Monday, April 6, 2009

Can You Believe This Speech Was Made in 1964?

Here is a great sppech by Barry Goldwater in 1964. It still rings true. Hear what he says about the government creating jobs.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Barack Obama- The New Kennedy?

There has been a huge effort by the Obama publicity machine and the liberal news media to paint a picture of Barack Obama as the new John F. Kennedy. They fawn on the similarities to Kennedy. Kennedy was young, he had young children, he was the first Catholic president, he was an inspirational leader, athletic, and charismatic. The liberal media constantly tries to draw this picture of Obama as the new Kennedy.

The bias in this media picture is easily exposed if one takes a close look at Michelle Obama. How many articles have you read that talk about her beauty, her charm, her sense of style? The press is desperately trying to make her into the new Jackie Kennedy. This is a case where the emperor has no clothes. i hate to say this, but Michelle Obama looks like an ugly man in an ill fitting dress. I'm still not convinced that she is not a transsexual. She walks like an NFL lineman. Yet the press extols her feminine beauty. Laura Bush was a much more beautiful woman. No one ever tried to cover up Hillary Clinton or Barbara Bush's beauty deficiencies.

Why is this important? It demonstrates the lengths that the liberal media is willing to go to create a positive image for Barack Obama. If they are willing to paint a positive picture of the looks of this obviously homely woman, what spin is the liberal media putting on Obama's policies?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hey Obama- listen to a Real Leader

Obama is an appeaser. He's talking to Iran while they continue to develop nuclear weapons, he's ignoring the fact that Korea is developing a missile capable of delivering that bomb to Hawaii, he's willing to talk to 'moderate' elements of the Taliban.

I found this video that shows how a real leader reacts in time of crisis. Unfortunately America has Neville Chamberlain when we need Winston Churchill.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's Put an End to the Terrorists at the G20 Summit

These animals who are trashing London during the G20 Summit need to be stopped. They are anarchists with a wide variety of crazy agendas traveling the world leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Several years ago I was in Seattle after they went on a rampage. The city looked like it had been hit by a tornado. They use video and the threat of lawsuits to frighten governments from taking action.

We need to end this problem now. Any American citizens involved in these activities must be prosecuted. The foreigners must be banned from traveling to the US. What would we do if this was the Taliban or Al Queda? even those groups aren't rampaging down the streets of London