Sunday, October 24, 2010

Did Jerry Browns Company Pollute the City of Irvine?

As most of us know Jerry Brown has never held a "real' job. However his one attempt at legitimate employment may have led to an ecological problem for residents of the city of Irvine.

Jerry Brown was on the Board of Directors of ICN Biomedical from 1987 to 1991. During this time ICN utilized nuclear chemicals in the manufacture of their products. Persons in the know have informed me that these nuclear chemicals were used at an ICN site located at 2727 Campus Drive, Irvine California. They also told me that this building has been sealed and closed since the time that Jerry Brown’s company operated this site. I've attached a copy of the extensive radiation clean up plan for this site. Nuclear Clean Up Plan . It sounds frightening. Was Jerry Brown aware of this problem? Or did he just collect his money from the shareholders of ICN and ignore the best interests of the residents of Irvine?

This building is in the heart of Irvine, a city of families, businesses and exemplary schools. Did ‘Mr Green’ Jerry Brown pollute the city of Irvine with dangerous radiation? This situation calls for further investigation. Pass this on to your friends. Jerry Brown needs to address this now.