Friday, February 17, 2012

Obama Doesn't Share Our Values

I believe that it isimportant to have an American presidenyt who shares our values and experiences. I've attached the following You Tube video to emphasise that Obama can't even do the one thing that every 8 year old boy who was raised in America can easily do. Let's cut to the chase, how can we expect a guy who can't throw a baseball to run our country. Where the hell did this guy grow up?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We are starting our post

Its been a while since I've posted to this blog. With the election coming up and the country in chaos its time to start it up. Here are some things that I'm concerned with today.
Obamacare, the regime's attack on religious freedom, the state of the economy ( its in a depression), illegal immigration, the waste of money on green energy, the assault on decent American values at events such as the Super Bowl and the Grammys, the Islamization of the middle east, Iran, the Obama administration's abandonment of Israel.

I'll be posting on this and other topics in the upcoming weeks