Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why Roseanne Barr Would be a Better President than b. o.

Why Roseanne Barr would make a better president than b o
1) She doesn't hate America
2) She wasn't born in Kenya
3) Roseanne never complained that the shows that came on before hers hurt her show's ratings.
4) Roseanne doesn't throw a baseball like a girl
5) She has never given amnesty to 10,000,000 criminal illegal aliens
6) Her college tuition was not paid for by some shadow Pakistani group
7) Roseanne never bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia
8) The marriage between Roseanne and Tom Arnold was real, not something staged for the camera.  they actually kissed.
9) Roseanne has actually held a job.
10) Roseanne ran a production company.  She had employees, met payrolls and paid bills.  And she did build that company.
11) Roseanne will definitely support Israel.
!2) Roseanne would never raise the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000.
13) Roseanne has never attended Muslim school.
14) Roseanne did not authorize gun running to Mexico.  She also never used a a shady political maneuver to keep her attorney general from going to jail.
15) And most important of all- She has never eaten a dog or a lizard.

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