Saturday, November 17, 2012

Its Time to Act! No compromise, No Surrender

Two weeks ago barack obama and his storm troopers stole an election from the American people.  Look at the evidence, whole precincts in Philadelphia that did not record one vote for Romney, unions registering illegal aliens in Nevada and  the debacle with the count in Florida.  Every time they recount Congressman West's votes it changes radically.  The actions of these individuals are criminal.  Shame on any one who still supports these pirate.

They may have stolen election, but now they need to try and govern.  As patriotic members of the tea part we have a responsibility to legally cripple any initiatives that is put forward by these deviants.  Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be outlining a plan of action for insuring that this country goes into legislative gridlock until 2014 when we gain control of the Senate.  Lets send the government over the fiscal cliff.

The first thing that we must remember is that this is not a polite little political argument.  obama and his minions are our enemies.  They are trying to destroy the American way of life.  We must get in the gutter with these people and fight like warriors.  Remember this, all actions that we take must be legal.  I am not advocating violence or breaking any laws!

Now let's get started!  The first order of business is to contact your Republican congressmen and Senators.  Let them know that any Republican legislator who compromises with the democrats on any issue will no longer be a Republican.  Let them know that we will aggressively campaign against any Republican who collaborates with the enemy.  They will not be a ble to get elected as a dog catcher.   They must understand that we are serious about this and will not forget. Not one piece of legislation sponsored by a democrat will be acceptable.  As distasteful as it would be, I will vote for a third party candidate over a phony Republican ' who compromises with the enemy.  And remember this the obama supporters are the enemy. 

Actions to Take this week- 
  1. Contact your legislatures.  Tell them that there will be no compromise with our enemies.
  2. Attend any Republican, Conservative or Tea Party meetings this month.  Pass on this message its time to legally fight back, no compromises, no surrender and no support for any democratic legislation.
  3. Follow this blog.  I'll be laying an achievable four year plan for taking back our country.

There can be no compromise and no surrender.  This is a political war and the other side wants to destroy our way of life.  You are fighting for your retirement, your children's future and the future of America.

Remember this all actions that we take must be legal. I am not advocating violence or breaking any laws!

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