Sunday, November 18, 2012

To Win This War, We Must Remake the Republican Party

My father was born in 1929.  He was a gentleman. 
When he taught me to defend myself, he told me to fight fair.  That meant no weapons and no kicking. ( kicking was a sissy way to fight).  These rules worked well for his generation when your opponent followed those rules.  At the end of a fight both sides would pick themselves up shake hands and go their separate ways. Lets move forward a generation.  As a martial artist, I've been trained to fight using every tool available to me.  Feet, elbows, palms of my hands and if I'm losing I will pick up a chair.  A person of my generation would destroy a member of my father's generation in a fight.

Lets look at the political parties.  The leaders of the Republican party are doing business like gentlemen.  They follow time tested rules of decorum.  They are conducting politics in a manner that was perfect for 1952.  The leadership of the democratic party is rude and uncouth.  They have no morals, values or respect for the political process.  They have one objective and that is to win and continue to move our country into socialism.  Unfortunately politics is like street fighting.  The Republican Party is fighting with the rules of the 1950s.  And we have been getting beaten by an opponent who is willing to do anything to win even if it is illegal or immoral.

If we are going to save our country we must become warriors.  We must study our opponents and understand their tactics.   I am not advocating that we adopt the criminal activities of our opponents,  but we must get down in the dirt and fight with them.  Unfortunately the current leadership of the Republican party is not up for this task.  Reise Preise seems like a nice guy, but he led an ineffective organization in the recent elections.  Who the hell allowed the debates to be moderated by liberal pinkos from the hostile press? House Speaker Boehner's first pronouncement after the election was stolen from us, was to announce that we must compromise and negotiate, This man cries in public.Warriors don't cry! We don't need leadership like this.  They must be replaced as soon as possible. We need to identify leaders who will take us into a political war. 

The first person who comes to mind when I think of warriors in Congressman Allen West.  He didn't just lie down when faced with democratic party voter fraud.  He continues to dispute the counts in his election. If he is successful, he needs to become Speaker of the House.  With the pending impeachment of obama and biden, he would be next in line to become president.  If the democratic party's conspiracy steals the election from Congressman West, he should become the Chairman of the Republican Party.

Michelle Malkin, or Newt Gingridge, would also make a great Republican Party chairmen. Lets look at people such as Michelle Bachman, Ron Johnson, Pat Toome or Marco Rubio as potential house speakers.  Who ever we get in these positions must pledge that there will be no compromising or negotiations with the democrats. They must understand that this is a political war.  The enemy is trying to destroy the American way of life, If the democrats won't sign on to our plans we will drive this country over the fiscal cliff.  Its their choice. 

We must take inspiration from Winston Churchill's words in 1940 and remember how it applies to our situation.  It was a dark hour in Europe.  The Nazis had over run Europe and there was no help in sight.  We need warriors in our party who feel this way about the socialist's encroachment on American soil.  Check out a recording of this speach if you need inspiration.

As always the author of this blog does not advocate violence or criminal activity.  All actions that we take must be done legally, unlike the actions of our competition

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