Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lets Send a Message to Republican Lawmakers

Its time to send this message to all Republican members of Congress.  There will be no compromise, no bargaining and no surrender to the Democrats. I'm calling all patriotic Americans to monitor the statements of Republican Congressmen.  If they start to talk about voting for a deal, we must flood there offices with messages letting them know that we will make sure that any one who compromises with the enemy will never be re-elected for any office any where in America.

Going over the fiscal cliff will be fun.  It may cost me a bit in taxes, but think about the great stories in the liberal media.  There will be grandmothers eating cat food, poor immigrants who are forced to drop out of college and finally hospitals, schools, police stations, libraries and fire stations that will be closing.  Of course none of this will actually happen but the truth has never mattered to the liberal media.

Remember this, every day that america spends at the bottom of the fiscal cliff is a day that the communists in the obama administration are not able to advance their liberal agenda.  If we can stall them for two years we can gain control of the Senate and shut down obama for the balance of the term that he won through voter fraud.

As always any thing that we advocate must be accomplished through legal and non vilent means

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