Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where Were the Tears for the American Murdered in Libya

Within hours after the recent tragedy in Connecticut, barry the dog eater was on television crying and making a case for gun control.  Why didn't he quickly go on the air the night that his inaction  murdered 4 Americans in Libya?  Has any one seen him cry over the lives of these patriotic Americans?   Every one grieves in different ways.  If the Libya tragedy is typical for hussein obama, we can expect him to show is grief by heading to Las Vegas and partying with celebrities today.

There is another problem here.  Were his tears real?  American presidents need to be strong for the country.  FDR didn't cry when speaking before Congress on December 8, 1941 the day after Pearl Harbor.  Ronald Reagan did not cry when talking about the Marines were murdered in Lebanon.  George Bush did not cry on September 11, 2001.  Terrorists respect strength and detest weakness in men.  They are laughing at us today for re-electing such a weak leader.

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