Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why Does obama Want Assault Weapons Banned

With the recent tragedy in Connecticut, the fraudulent president is calling for a ban on assault weapons.  Why assault weapons?  Aren't most crimes committed with easily concealable hand guns?  

Here is why hussein obama is trying to take assault weapons out of the hands of law abiding Americans.  In the event that a radical liberal group engages a well armed  militia to seize or remain in power, our hand guns and shot guns are no match for their firepower.  A group of citizens armed with assault weapons could repel such an invasion.

Why would obama and his liberal conspirators want Americans to be defenseless?  Maybe they are making a plan to hold on to power in 2016 if they can't steal that election with voter fraud as they did in 2012.  Do you think that this is crazy?  Didn't they try to arm the cartels with their fast and furious operation?

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