Sunday, December 9, 2012

Punishing The Traitors who Supported obama

This past election taught me something.  There is a huge portion of our election who don't understand our political system.  They think that choosing a president is like voting for an American Idol, Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars contestant.  They watched the idiot on the View and listened to the political views of celebrities like bruce springsteen, cher, george clooney, JZ, Scarlett Johansen, and other liberal lunatics.

I don't know about you, but I can't enjoy any kind of entertainment created by a fool who supports obama and his policies.  I also don't want my entertainment dollars funneled to his anti american campaigns.

What I am advocating is that we conservatives boycott these celebrities.  We can make a substantial impact on their careers.  Before you start worrying about free speech, understand that Hollywood has blacklisted conservatives for years. 

Over the next few months I'll be outlining plans to attack the traitors.  This week, I've found some low hanging fruit.  As we know Barbara Streisand raises millions for the democratic party.  We also know that her movie career is in the toilet.  She's in a movie opening December 19, 'The Guilt Trip'.  If this movie bombs it could spell an end the her movie career. While this movie looks like a real stinker, let's help it bomb.  Let's boycott this movie and encourage our friends and relatives to do the same.  If you have teenagers refuse to give them money to see this movie.  Check out the trailer on line and post your negative opinion of this movie to any on-line forums.  Remember if you spend your money on her movies a portion of that money will end up in the coffers of the democratic party.  Let's show these people what power conservative patriots yield.

As always this blog does not advocate violence or illegal activities

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