Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What are Unions Afraid of?

Today Michigan became the 24th Right to Work State in the United States.  Workers now have the freedom to choose whether they want to join a union.  Workers who opt out of the union will no longer have their money contributed to socialist candidates who steal elections with rampant voter fraud.

I have no problems with unions.  I do have a problem with workers being forced to join a union which then sends their money to anti American candidates.  As I have said before.  There are only two organizations that an American can be forced to join, a prison gang and a union.

Why are unions afraid?  They made a big mistake.  They supported a communist who illegally forced government managed healthcare on this country.  What is the first thing that unions do when they talk to non union workers?  They tell them that they will get health benefits from the union.  With socialized medicine who needs a union to get heath benefits?

If you are a union member demand that your union quit donating money to political candidates.  Your dues went to the obama campaign, and the obama campaign destroyed democracy by stealing an election with voter fraud.  If you are not a union member let's not support obama's lap dogs,the UAW.  Buy a car built in a non union plant!

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