Friday, August 21, 2009

I Can't Believe Its True- But it is.

Many years ago a Christian relative of mine wrote an essay about abortion. One of the items outlined in this essay was the concern that after abortion was legalized, euthanasia for older people might become acceptable. I have a lot of respect for this person's opinions but at the time I could not conceive of this happening.
Until Now

I recently received an E-mail that talked about a Veterans Administration Pamphlet called 'Your Life Choices' The e-mail said that the government had published a document that offered individuals a process for determining if they should continue to live.

Thinking that this must be hoax, I went on the VA website and searched for this pamphlet. To my chagrin, it does exist. Here is a link to the document. You might want to read it now before Obama's Brown Shirts remove it

I can see a day when the Obama administration requires all physically challenged individuals and those reaching a certain age to read this document.

We need to let our elected representatives know that there is no iteration of Obama Care that is acceptable. There is only one fix for the Health Care Crisis. We must offer a tax credit for every dollar that Americans spend on medical insurance

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