Monday, August 31, 2009

Ted Kennedy- An American Disgrace

Here is something a friend wrote regarding the man that Barak Hussein Obama treated as a great American hero. How much of your tax bill can be attributed to the Socialist laws passed by Teddy the pinko

"John Kennedy fought Japanese in WW2 and the Communists during the Cold War and for tax rate cuts for the common person.

Robert Kennedy went after those who brutalized and killed civil right advocates.

Eunice Kennedy helped those who could not help themselves.

Joseph Kennedy died during WW2 fighting the Nazis.

Ted Kennedy was a dishonorable drunk.

1. He was expelled from Harvard for cheating.
2. He separated from the US Army for unknown reasons after only two years (with a four year obligation).
3. He sexually harassed women.
4. He cheated on his first wife.
5. A woman was sexually assaulted by a Kennedy relative in his home and did nothing to help the woman.
6. He tried to discredit Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.
7. Blocked green energy development in Cape Cod because windmills blocked his view of the water.

8. Last but certainly not least, a young woman drowned in a car while he was driving drunk and did not report the crash for 24 hours.

John and Robert Kennedy deserve to rest eternally in Arlington. Ted Kennedy deserves to rest in Hell"

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