Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Weapon that Obama Care will Use to Murder your Mother

Barak Hussein Obama has stated that his plan for socialized medicine will not include ‘Death Panels’. He won’t need them. The live or die decision will be automated. The system will utilize an evaluation technique known as QARY. QARY stands for Quality Adjusted Remaining Years. What this tool does is to determine who gets health care once the rationing begins. The patient’s age, medical condition and lifestyle will be evaluated and scored. Older people, physically or mentally challenged individuals or patients with other medical conditions will receive lower scores. Individuals with high scores will receive necessary medical procedures. Those with lower scores will die or be forced to live with the pain of their condition. Let’s look at a hypothetical situation.
· Patient A injured his knee running from the police after he robbed a convenience store, shooting the clerk. He is 30 years old.
· Patient B injured his knee, running from the border patrol when he entered the country illegally last week. He is 25 years old.
· Patient C is a homeless drug addict. His only source of income is welfare. He is currently on parole for dealing drugs. He injured his knee when he fell in a drunken stupor. He is 28 years old
· Patient D is a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War. He retired after 35 years working for a major corporation. Prior to the advent of socialized health care he had lifetime health care through his former employer. He raised three children and owns his home. He takes medicine for his blood pressure. He is 62 years old.
In this hypothetical situation. The government can only provide three knee replacement operations this year. Under QARY patient D will have the lowest score, due to his age and physical condition. He will be denied the operation. He will be told that he must live with the problem and given end of life counseling.

This is the similar to the system being used in other countries with socialist governments.

If you don’t believe me, check out these links.


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