Sunday, August 30, 2009

Something to Think About

Here is something that was forwarded by a friend. We need to keep the pressure on Obama's Moslem roots.

"I did not write this...someone forwarded it to me,...but my wife lived in Saudi Arabia for two years, and from what she tells me, it makes sense! Travel for Obama: I was at a Blockbusters on Saturday renting videos, and as I was going along the wall, there was a video called "Obama." I told the two men next to me that I wouldn't waste my time. We talked about Obama. These guys were Arabs and I asked them why they thought Michele Obama headed home following her visit in France instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband. They told me she couldn't go to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, or Iraq. I said, "Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Dubai..." They said that Obama is a Muslim, and by Muslim law he would not be allowed to bring his wife into countries that accept Sharia Law. Just thought it was interesting that two Arabs at Blockbusters accept the idea that we're being led by a Muslim who follows the Islamic creed. They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia...It was a signal to the Muslim world. Just thought you would like to know"

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