Friday, July 13, 2012

obamacare Will Murder Your Parents

Why Voting for obama Will Kill Your Parents.

How is medical care allocated in a socialized system?  We've had a lot of discussions about death panels in the U.S. Socialized medicine doesn't require death panels because they automate the decision process.  As we all know that as soon as obamacare is implemented there will be a run on the doctors.  The uninsured will seek the tattoo removal, sex change operations and tummy tucks that they have been denied under our current system.  In the UK a point system allocates health care.  Your doctor looks at a number of factors and assigned points to those factors.  Your age, general health, and  chance of survival will be computed to determine how many points that you have.  Health services will be allocated by these points. 

Here is an example of two males who need a heart bi-pass, one is a 70 year  man who has worked hard and paid taxes all of his life. The second is a 30 year old illegal alien who is on parole.  Under obamacare the illegal alien parolee's age will give him more points than the 70 year old man.  He will get the operation before the citizen.

Why will this kill your parents?  Talk to any doctor over 40.  Many don't want to work in the socialized system.  Thousands of doctors will retire, creating a shortage of medical care.  With the health care shortage no persons over the age of 65 will get enough points to obtain life saving operations.  Neither will disabled individuals or people with medical conditions such as gross obesity, or cancer.  This situation actually helps contains the costs of socialized medicine.  Older people cost the system more money.  By letting them die it helps contain costs.

The bottom line is that future President Mitt Romney will eliminate obamacare on his second day in office.  If you love your parents, vote for Mitt  Romney. 

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