Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why is there deadlock in D.C.
The liberal media and their leftist fellow travelers have been decrying the fact that our Congress can't accomplish anything.  They blame it on the Republicans inability to compromise.  The reason that we can't compromise is that the democrats have moved so far to the left that there is no way that we can even start negotiating. 

Here is a simple way to look at this.  You own a $500,000 house.  I offer you $480,000 to purchase your house.  We negotiate and arrive at a compromise price of $490,000  This is how the American Congress worked in the years prior to the advent of comrades Pelosi and Reid. 

Here is how these radicals work.  You own a $500,000 house. Pelosi and Reid offer you $18,000 and want you to build a swimming pool in the back yard .  When you turn down this ridiculous offer, they scream that you are refusing to negotiate. 

We can start the dialogue when the democrats move back to the center.  Remember this is the party that through out a moderate Senator like Joe Lieberman.  He didn't fit in this radical group

Romney- A class act
Future President Romney showed real class today.  He walked into the lion's den and spoke to the NAACP.  He stayed on target and didn't pander to the crowd.  of course the racists in the audience booed this great man.  I challenge barry obama to speak at a Tea Party meeting.  I guarantee that he will be treated with the respect that he doesn't deserve

Here is something that you can do today
Make a contribution to a Republican candidate for the Senate.  Imagine what we can do with President  Romney in the White House and Republican majorities in both Houses of Congress.

Did you know?
barry obama attended a moslem madrassa in Indonesia.  He used the name Bary Soetoro during this time

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