Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Today's College Students Have So Much Debt

barry obama is consantly crying about college students graduating with massive debt.  Does he realized that liberals like himself caused this situation.  b.o. did not work his way through college.  If the rumors are correct mentors from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia paid for his schooling.  He has refused to release any records to refute these allegations.

Unfortunately not all of us were able to prostitute ourselves to foreign masters to get our degrees.  We followed the time honored trafition of working our way through college.  My first job was dishwasher in a restaurant for $1.40 an hour.  Friends of mine held jobs such as fast food cook, truck loader, car wash worker,or shelf stocker in a store. When was the last time that you saw an American college student working in a car wash or bussing tables at a restaurant?

Today's college student has been supplanted in the workplace by illegal aliens.  They can't find entry level summer jobs or part time jobs during the school year.  Liberal immigration policies have flooded the country with individuals who steal jobs from college students.  barry's recent amnesty was the final straw for struggling college students.  Shut out of thework place by these illegal aliens, students are forced to take out student loans.

In the past private lenders offered student loans.  Unfortunately barry nationalized the student loan industry.  Students become dependent on the government money to live on.  They begin to see the government as some type of big brother, who is there to help them.  In the 60's b.o.'s predecessors used this focussed dependence to create a cadry of welfare dependent drones who support the democratic party and demonize the Republicans.  barry and his comrades, with the aid of their illegal alien army are doing this with your children.

I'm going to be starting a series focussed on the10 things America must do to survive.  Sending the illegal aliens home will be the first and most important item.

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