Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Preserve Our second Amendment Rights and Our Homes

As expected the tragedy in Colorado has brought the anti-gun crowd out of their holes.  Senator 'I hate guns, Fienstein used the tragedy to climb up on her gun hating soap box. barry obama tried his best to not anger the NRA by restating his support for the 2nd Amendment.  He tipped his hands about his true feelings when he added that AK47s belong in the hands of soldiers not home owners.

Unfortunately home owners do need assault weapons.  Back in the 60s and 70s we bought guns to protect us from that lone burglar who might crawl in our window.  Unfortunately a new threat exists.  Look at recent events in Anaheim California.   A marauding crowd rioted and destroyed several businesses.  We've seen this pattern in the Rodney King riots and the riots after the Laker victories.  Look at the flash mob that destroyed the Wal Mart.  My city doesn't have the resources to follow up on car burglaries. How are they going to stop rioters careening down my street. Protecting our homes against such animals will require assault weapons.  Understand this, I am not advocating any type of violence, but when an armed crowd of rioters runs down your street, you will be glad that you own an assault weapon.

I'm not a crazy who believes that the country is on the brink of anarchy and riots will be breaking out at any time.  But if such an occasion has a .1% chance of happening, purchasing a weapon seems like a good bet.

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