Friday, July 20, 2012

The country needs an armed citizenry

Ask yourself this.  Would the outcome of yesterday's shooting have been different if the residents of Colorado were legally allowed to carry guns in public places?  Today I heard repeated accounts from individuals who were in that theater.  One thing is chilling.  Once the shooting started they could only lie down and hide.  No one had a weapon to utilize in their own defense.

In the ensuing weeks you are going to hear liberal politicians crying for increased gun regulation.  One thing is clear.  Decades of gun laws have disarmed our law abiding citizens.  Last night,in a dark theater, the only person armed was a crazy man.  Criminals and lunatics will always find a way to get guns, no matter how strict the laws.  Its the decent Americans who are forced to go out at night with no protection. We must demand that all law abiding citizens regain their constitutional right to carry their guns when the leave their homes. 

Contact your elected officials and demand the right to openly carry our guns!

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