Monday, July 16, 2012

Where was My Government Helper This Weekend?

Where was the Government this weekend?
I own a small business.  Saturday and Sunday I left the house at  6:30 AM.  Saturday, I got home at 7 PM.  Sunday was a shorter day. I was home by 6:30 PM.  During this time not one government employee showed up to give me a hand.  I might have been able to shorten my day if I hired an assistant.  Unfortunately I'd be forced to pay this person at least $8 per hour, get workman's compensation insurance, deal with the incompetents at the EDD and file a myriad of tax forms.  All of these issues prevent me from removing some individual from the ranks of the unemployed.  Given the poor job done by public schools, he probably wouldn't be able to read our do simple arithmetic.

barry obama says that small businesses didn't build our businesses on our own.  He says the government assisted us.  How did they help me this weekend?  I guess I drove on their roads.  But I thought that the $30,000 in Federal Income taxes, $10,000 in State taxes, and $8,000 in property taxes that I pay every year would give me the right to drive a few miles on public roads.  I did pay to use those roads.  The 405 freeway was so crowded that I was forced to pay a $5 toll to take a less crowded toll road.

It understandable that barry doesn't understand any type of business.  He has never even ran a lemonade stand.  I wonder if he could explain a balance sheet or an income statement if one was placed in front of him.

The government is not an aid to small business its an obstacle to our success.  Future President Mitt Romney will remove these barriers to our success.

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