Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why Does obama Want Assault Weapons Banned

With the recent tragedy in Connecticut, the fraudulent president is calling for a ban on assault weapons.  Why assault weapons?  Aren't most crimes committed with easily concealable hand guns?  

Here is why hussein obama is trying to take assault weapons out of the hands of law abiding Americans.  In the event that a radical liberal group engages a well armed  militia to seize or remain in power, our hand guns and shot guns are no match for their firepower.  A group of citizens armed with assault weapons could repel such an invasion.

Why would obama and his liberal conspirators want Americans to be defenseless?  Maybe they are making a plan to hold on to power in 2016 if they can't steal that election with voter fraud as they did in 2012.  Do you think that this is crazy?  Didn't they try to arm the cartels with their fast and furious operation?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Increasing the Security in Schools

Every one is talking about the need to increase security in our schools.  Here is my proposal.  Every school should have one or two teachers designated as 'Security Officers.  These individuals would receive the same training as a reserve police officer.  They would have access to tactical weapons in a secure location in their classroom.  Every school would have the capability for locking the doors from the outside with one button.  In the event of a breach of security all of the classroom doors would be locked and the designated teachers would spring into action.

You may be asking how we would pay for these enhancements.  The teacher's unions are concerned with security.  They can take the money that they are currently wasting on campaign contributions and political lobbying and give it to the schools for enhanced security.  How would the money be best spent?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

God Save America

America was founded by God fearing people.  We were successful because we honored God.  If you study American history you are aware of a number of miracles that saved or strengthened this country.  We have abandoned our principles and the miracles have stopped.  For the first time in my life, I am afraid for the future of this country and the world.  The fools that are leading us have more respect for a satanist than a church leader.  For those of us who mourn the tragedy in Connecticut, this shirt says it all!

Where Were the Tears for the American Murdered in Libya

Within hours after the recent tragedy in Connecticut, barry the dog eater was on television crying and making a case for gun control.  Why didn't he quickly go on the air the night that his inaction  murdered 4 Americans in Libya?  Has any one seen him cry over the lives of these patriotic Americans?   Every one grieves in different ways.  If the Libya tragedy is typical for hussein obama, we can expect him to show is grief by heading to Las Vegas and partying with celebrities today.

There is another problem here.  Were his tears real?  American presidents need to be strong for the country.  FDR didn't cry when speaking before Congress on December 8, 1941 the day after Pearl Harbor.  Ronald Reagan did not cry when talking about the Marines were murdered in Lebanon.  George Bush did not cry on September 11, 2001.  Terrorists respect strength and detest weakness in men.  They are laughing at us today for re-electing such a weak leader.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Punishing the UAW for their Support of democrats

The United Auto Workers Union is one of hussein obama's biggest supporters. To reward him for their support he gave them control of General Motors.  Now they are running the company into the dirt.  Of course no conservative would buy any GM product.  I've found another way to punish the UAW for their support of barry the dog eater.  If you buy a car produced in a unionized factory, your money is going into liberal political campaigns.  There is good news, a number of auto companies are producing cars in non-union factories.  Here is a link to information about those companies.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What are Unions Afraid of?

Today Michigan became the 24th Right to Work State in the United States.  Workers now have the freedom to choose whether they want to join a union.  Workers who opt out of the union will no longer have their money contributed to socialist candidates who steal elections with rampant voter fraud.

I have no problems with unions.  I do have a problem with workers being forced to join a union which then sends their money to anti American candidates.  As I have said before.  There are only two organizations that an American can be forced to join, a prison gang and a union.

Why are unions afraid?  They made a big mistake.  They supported a communist who illegally forced government managed healthcare on this country.  What is the first thing that unions do when they talk to non union workers?  They tell them that they will get health benefits from the union.  With socialized medicine who needs a union to get heath benefits?

If you are a union member demand that your union quit donating money to political candidates.  Your dues went to the obama campaign, and the obama campaign destroyed democracy by stealing an election with voter fraud.  If you are not a union member let's not support obama's lap dogs,the UAW.  Buy a car built in a non union plant!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Think About a Volkswagon

If you are looking for a new car you might consider Volkswagen.  They are made in Tennessee.  Tennessee is a right to work state.  The VW plant in that state is non-union.  That means that your hard earned dollars won't end up in some democratic war chest used to slander Republican candidates and steal elections.  Check out this article.

Remember, do not buy General Motors Products.  Obama bankrupted General Motors for the purpose of handing that company to his uaw co-conspirators. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Punishing The Traitors who Supported obama

This past election taught me something.  There is a huge portion of our election who don't understand our political system.  They think that choosing a president is like voting for an American Idol, Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars contestant.  They watched the idiot on the View and listened to the political views of celebrities like bruce springsteen, cher, george clooney, JZ, Scarlett Johansen, and other liberal lunatics.

I don't know about you, but I can't enjoy any kind of entertainment created by a fool who supports obama and his policies.  I also don't want my entertainment dollars funneled to his anti american campaigns.

What I am advocating is that we conservatives boycott these celebrities.  We can make a substantial impact on their careers.  Before you start worrying about free speech, understand that Hollywood has blacklisted conservatives for years. 

Over the next few months I'll be outlining plans to attack the traitors.  This week, I've found some low hanging fruit.  As we know Barbara Streisand raises millions for the democratic party.  We also know that her movie career is in the toilet.  She's in a movie opening December 19, 'The Guilt Trip'.  If this movie bombs it could spell an end the her movie career. While this movie looks like a real stinker, let's help it bomb.  Let's boycott this movie and encourage our friends and relatives to do the same.  If you have teenagers refuse to give them money to see this movie.  Check out the trailer on line and post your negative opinion of this movie to any on-line forums.  Remember if you spend your money on her movies a portion of that money will end up in the coffers of the democratic party.  Let's show these people what power conservative patriots yield.

As always this blog does not advocate violence or illegal activities

Lets Send a Message to Republican Lawmakers

Its time to send this message to all Republican members of Congress.  There will be no compromise, no bargaining and no surrender to the Democrats. I'm calling all patriotic Americans to monitor the statements of Republican Congressmen.  If they start to talk about voting for a deal, we must flood there offices with messages letting them know that we will make sure that any one who compromises with the enemy will never be re-elected for any office any where in America.

Going over the fiscal cliff will be fun.  It may cost me a bit in taxes, but think about the great stories in the liberal media.  There will be grandmothers eating cat food, poor immigrants who are forced to drop out of college and finally hospitals, schools, police stations, libraries and fire stations that will be closing.  Of course none of this will actually happen but the truth has never mattered to the liberal media.

Remember this, every day that america spends at the bottom of the fiscal cliff is a day that the communists in the obama administration are not able to advance their liberal agenda.  If we can stall them for two years we can gain control of the Senate and shut down obama for the balance of the term that he won through voter fraud.

As always any thing that we advocate must be accomplished through legal and non vilent means

Sunday, November 18, 2012

To Win This War, We Must Remake the Republican Party

My father was born in 1929.  He was a gentleman. 
When he taught me to defend myself, he told me to fight fair.  That meant no weapons and no kicking. ( kicking was a sissy way to fight).  These rules worked well for his generation when your opponent followed those rules.  At the end of a fight both sides would pick themselves up shake hands and go their separate ways. Lets move forward a generation.  As a martial artist, I've been trained to fight using every tool available to me.  Feet, elbows, palms of my hands and if I'm losing I will pick up a chair.  A person of my generation would destroy a member of my father's generation in a fight.

Lets look at the political parties.  The leaders of the Republican party are doing business like gentlemen.  They follow time tested rules of decorum.  They are conducting politics in a manner that was perfect for 1952.  The leadership of the democratic party is rude and uncouth.  They have no morals, values or respect for the political process.  They have one objective and that is to win and continue to move our country into socialism.  Unfortunately politics is like street fighting.  The Republican Party is fighting with the rules of the 1950s.  And we have been getting beaten by an opponent who is willing to do anything to win even if it is illegal or immoral.

If we are going to save our country we must become warriors.  We must study our opponents and understand their tactics.   I am not advocating that we adopt the criminal activities of our opponents,  but we must get down in the dirt and fight with them.  Unfortunately the current leadership of the Republican party is not up for this task.  Reise Preise seems like a nice guy, but he led an ineffective organization in the recent elections.  Who the hell allowed the debates to be moderated by liberal pinkos from the hostile press? House Speaker Boehner's first pronouncement after the election was stolen from us, was to announce that we must compromise and negotiate, This man cries in public.Warriors don't cry! We don't need leadership like this.  They must be replaced as soon as possible. We need to identify leaders who will take us into a political war. 

The first person who comes to mind when I think of warriors in Congressman Allen West.  He didn't just lie down when faced with democratic party voter fraud.  He continues to dispute the counts in his election. If he is successful, he needs to become Speaker of the House.  With the pending impeachment of obama and biden, he would be next in line to become president.  If the democratic party's conspiracy steals the election from Congressman West, he should become the Chairman of the Republican Party.

Michelle Malkin, or Newt Gingridge, would also make a great Republican Party chairmen. Lets look at people such as Michelle Bachman, Ron Johnson, Pat Toome or Marco Rubio as potential house speakers.  Who ever we get in these positions must pledge that there will be no compromising or negotiations with the democrats. They must understand that this is a political war.  The enemy is trying to destroy the American way of life, If the democrats won't sign on to our plans we will drive this country over the fiscal cliff.  Its their choice. 

We must take inspiration from Winston Churchill's words in 1940 and remember how it applies to our situation.  It was a dark hour in Europe.  The Nazis had over run Europe and there was no help in sight.  We need warriors in our party who feel this way about the socialist's encroachment on American soil.  Check out a recording of this speach if you need inspiration.

As always the author of this blog does not advocate violence or criminal activity.  All actions that we take must be done legally, unlike the actions of our competition

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Its Time to Act! No compromise, No Surrender

Two weeks ago barack obama and his storm troopers stole an election from the American people.  Look at the evidence, whole precincts in Philadelphia that did not record one vote for Romney, unions registering illegal aliens in Nevada and  the debacle with the count in Florida.  Every time they recount Congressman West's votes it changes radically.  The actions of these individuals are criminal.  Shame on any one who still supports these pirate.

They may have stolen election, but now they need to try and govern.  As patriotic members of the tea part we have a responsibility to legally cripple any initiatives that is put forward by these deviants.  Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be outlining a plan of action for insuring that this country goes into legislative gridlock until 2014 when we gain control of the Senate.  Lets send the government over the fiscal cliff.

The first thing that we must remember is that this is not a polite little political argument.  obama and his minions are our enemies.  They are trying to destroy the American way of life.  We must get in the gutter with these people and fight like warriors.  Remember this, all actions that we take must be legal.  I am not advocating violence or breaking any laws!

Now let's get started!  The first order of business is to contact your Republican congressmen and Senators.  Let them know that any Republican legislator who compromises with the democrats on any issue will no longer be a Republican.  Let them know that we will aggressively campaign against any Republican who collaborates with the enemy.  They will not be a ble to get elected as a dog catcher.   They must understand that we are serious about this and will not forget. Not one piece of legislation sponsored by a democrat will be acceptable.  As distasteful as it would be, I will vote for a third party candidate over a phony Republican ' who compromises with the enemy.  And remember this the obama supporters are the enemy. 

Actions to Take this week- 
  1. Contact your legislatures.  Tell them that there will be no compromise with our enemies.
  2. Attend any Republican, Conservative or Tea Party meetings this month.  Pass on this message its time to legally fight back, no compromises, no surrender and no support for any democratic legislation.
  3. Follow this blog.  I'll be laying an achievable four year plan for taking back our country.

There can be no compromise and no surrender.  This is a political war and the other side wants to destroy our way of life.  You are fighting for your retirement, your children's future and the future of America.

Remember this all actions that we take must be legal. I am not advocating violence or breaking any laws!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Was obama smoking weed?

Am I crazy or was the presumptive democratic presidential nominee barry obama high at his press conference today? Take a look at the videos of the press conference.  Is he high or having a nervous breakdown?  Either way he shoiud not be driving a buss in that condition, let alone trying tobe president.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why Roseanne Barr Would be a Better President than b. o.

Why Roseanne Barr would make a better president than b o
1) She doesn't hate America
2) She wasn't born in Kenya
3) Roseanne never complained that the shows that came on before hers hurt her show's ratings.
4) Roseanne doesn't throw a baseball like a girl
5) She has never given amnesty to 10,000,000 criminal illegal aliens
6) Her college tuition was not paid for by some shadow Pakistani group
7) Roseanne never bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia
8) The marriage between Roseanne and Tom Arnold was real, not something staged for the camera.  they actually kissed.
9) Roseanne has actually held a job.
10) Roseanne ran a production company.  She had employees, met payrolls and paid bills.  And she did build that company.
11) Roseanne will definitely support Israel.
!2) Roseanne would never raise the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000.
13) Roseanne has never attended Muslim school.
14) Roseanne did not authorize gun running to Mexico.  She also never used a a shady political maneuver to keep her attorney general from going to jail.
15) And most important of all- She has never eaten a dog or a lizard.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Final Poll Results


Final Results of Our Poll

Well the results are in.  The most popular answer for 'Why I'm voting for Obama' is a tie between three answers they are
1) I'm on welfare"
2) The voices in my head are telling me to do it"
3) I have a very low IQ"

If you doubt the validity of this poll you should check out last weeks Wall Street Journal Poll.  They over sampled Democrats by 11% and came to the conclusion that b o had a 6 point lead on Future President Romney. For those of you in category 3 above,if the sample had adequately reflected the composition of the voting public, Romney would be ahead by 5-6%

Its time to start talking to friends on the fence.  If they say that they don't want to vote for barry obama but can't bring themself to vote for a republican tell them to vote for the Green Party Candidate or write in Bill Clinton  as a protest vote.