Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Final Poll Results


Final Results of Our Poll

Well the results are in.  The most popular answer for 'Why I'm voting for Obama' is a tie between three answers they are
1) I'm on welfare"
2) The voices in my head are telling me to do it"
3) I have a very low IQ"

If you doubt the validity of this poll you should check out last weeks Wall Street Journal Poll.  They over sampled Democrats by 11% and came to the conclusion that b o had a 6 point lead on Future President Romney. For those of you in category 3 above,if the sample had adequately reflected the composition of the voting public, Romney would be ahead by 5-6%

Its time to start talking to friends on the fence.  If they say that they don't want to vote for barry obama but can't bring themself to vote for a republican tell them to vote for the Green Party Candidate or write in Bill Clinton  as a protest vote. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Poll- Why You are Voting for Obama

To better understand why people would vote for barry obama, I've created this poll.  Please put the letter that corresponds to your reason in the comments section of this blog.

A) I'm a racist who only votes for black people
B) I'm a religious bigot who won't vote for a Mormon
C) I'm a lemming who votes for the person who my union endorses
D) I'm on welfare
E) I'm planning on going on welfare
F) I'm a government worker
G) I'm stuck in the 60's and believe in the disproved theory that government programs help people
H) I'm over 22 and living with my parents
I) I have a very low IQ
J) Who is obama?  Some guy from the democrat party bought my mail-in ballot
K) I'm an illegal alien
L) The voices in my head are telling me to do it

Please enter the letter that corresponds to your answer in the comments section.

Preserve Our second Amendment Rights and Our Homes

As expected the tragedy in Colorado has brought the anti-gun crowd out of their holes.  Senator 'I hate guns, Fienstein used the tragedy to climb up on her gun hating soap box. barry obama tried his best to not anger the NRA by restating his support for the 2nd Amendment.  He tipped his hands about his true feelings when he added that AK47s belong in the hands of soldiers not home owners.

Unfortunately home owners do need assault weapons.  Back in the 60s and 70s we bought guns to protect us from that lone burglar who might crawl in our window.  Unfortunately a new threat exists.  Look at recent events in Anaheim California.   A marauding crowd rioted and destroyed several businesses.  We've seen this pattern in the Rodney King riots and the riots after the Laker victories.  Look at the flash mob that destroyed the Wal Mart.  My city doesn't have the resources to follow up on car burglaries. How are they going to stop rioters careening down my street. Protecting our homes against such animals will require assault weapons.  Understand this, I am not advocating any type of violence, but when an armed crowd of rioters runs down your street, you will be glad that you own an assault weapon.

I'm not a crazy who believes that the country is on the brink of anarchy and riots will be breaking out at any time.  But if such an occasion has a .1% chance of happening, purchasing a weapon seems like a good bet.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I think that this says it all!  bammie must go. Vote for Future President Mitt Romney!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Today's College Students Have So Much Debt

barry obama is consantly crying about college students graduating with massive debt.  Does he realized that liberals like himself caused this situation.  b.o. did not work his way through college.  If the rumors are correct mentors from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia paid for his schooling.  He has refused to release any records to refute these allegations.

Unfortunately not all of us were able to prostitute ourselves to foreign masters to get our degrees.  We followed the time honored trafition of working our way through college.  My first job was dishwasher in a restaurant for $1.40 an hour.  Friends of mine held jobs such as fast food cook, truck loader, car wash worker,or shelf stocker in a store. When was the last time that you saw an American college student working in a car wash or bussing tables at a restaurant?

Today's college student has been supplanted in the workplace by illegal aliens.  They can't find entry level summer jobs or part time jobs during the school year.  Liberal immigration policies have flooded the country with individuals who steal jobs from college students.  barry's recent amnesty was the final straw for struggling college students.  Shut out of thework place by these illegal aliens, students are forced to take out student loans.

In the past private lenders offered student loans.  Unfortunately barry nationalized the student loan industry.  Students become dependent on the government money to live on.  They begin to see the government as some type of big brother, who is there to help them.  In the 60's b.o.'s predecessors used this focussed dependence to create a cadry of welfare dependent drones who support the democratic party and demonize the Republicans.  barry and his comrades, with the aid of their illegal alien army are doing this with your children.

I'm going to be starting a series focussed on the10 things America must do to survive.  Sending the illegal aliens home will be the first and most important item.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Canine Companions for Independence

With all of the sad news dominating the headlines, I decided to talk about some thing that is very positive.  There is a great organization called Canine Companions for Independence.  They provide Companion Animals for children and adults with special needs.  I participated in a charity event of theirs last year.  It was great seeing the bond between these deserving individuals and their canine companions.  Please help them if you can

Canine Companions for Independence

Friday, July 20, 2012

The country needs an armed citizenry

Ask yourself this.  Would the outcome of yesterday's shooting have been different if the residents of Colorado were legally allowed to carry guns in public places?  Today I heard repeated accounts from individuals who were in that theater.  One thing is chilling.  Once the shooting started they could only lie down and hide.  No one had a weapon to utilize in their own defense.

In the ensuing weeks you are going to hear liberal politicians crying for increased gun regulation.  One thing is clear.  Decades of gun laws have disarmed our law abiding citizens.  Last night,in a dark theater, the only person armed was a crazy man.  Criminals and lunatics will always find a way to get guns, no matter how strict the laws.  Its the decent Americans who are forced to go out at night with no protection. We must demand that all law abiding citizens regain their constitutional right to carry their guns when the leave their homes. 

Contact your elected officials and demand the right to openly carry our guns!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This is How Green Jobs Money is Spent

Take a look at this.  These are obama's union buddies. Hear them brag about the politicians that they own.  This is how shovel ready jobs and green jobs money is spent.

With massive unemployment in this country barry obama gives amnesty to illegal aliens

Monday, July 16, 2012

This Chart Says it All

Do I need to say more.  As voters become mature they abandon their support for barry obama.

Where was My Government Helper This Weekend?

Where was the Government this weekend?
I own a small business.  Saturday and Sunday I left the house at  6:30 AM.  Saturday, I got home at 7 PM.  Sunday was a shorter day. I was home by 6:30 PM.  During this time not one government employee showed up to give me a hand.  I might have been able to shorten my day if I hired an assistant.  Unfortunately I'd be forced to pay this person at least $8 per hour, get workman's compensation insurance, deal with the incompetents at the EDD and file a myriad of tax forms.  All of these issues prevent me from removing some individual from the ranks of the unemployed.  Given the poor job done by public schools, he probably wouldn't be able to read our do simple arithmetic.

barry obama says that small businesses didn't build our businesses on our own.  He says the government assisted us.  How did they help me this weekend?  I guess I drove on their roads.  But I thought that the $30,000 in Federal Income taxes, $10,000 in State taxes, and $8,000 in property taxes that I pay every year would give me the right to drive a few miles on public roads.  I did pay to use those roads.  The 405 freeway was so crowded that I was forced to pay a $5 toll to take a less crowded toll road.

It understandable that barry doesn't understand any type of business.  He has never even ran a lemonade stand.  I wonder if he could explain a balance sheet or an income statement if one was placed in front of him.

The government is not an aid to small business its an obstacle to our success.  Future President Mitt Romney will remove these barriers to our success.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Wounded Warrior Project- A Great Organization

Given all of upheaval in the world I would like to take some time to highlight a great organization.  It is the Wounded Warrior Project.  This is a great charitable organization that works with wounded veterans.  Please take a look at their web site and give until it hurts.


obamacare Will Murder Your Parents

Why Voting for obama Will Kill Your Parents.

How is medical care allocated in a socialized system?  We've had a lot of discussions about death panels in the U.S. Socialized medicine doesn't require death panels because they automate the decision process.  As we all know that as soon as obamacare is implemented there will be a run on the doctors.  The uninsured will seek the tattoo removal, sex change operations and tummy tucks that they have been denied under our current system.  In the UK a point system allocates health care.  Your doctor looks at a number of factors and assigned points to those factors.  Your age, general health, and  chance of survival will be computed to determine how many points that you have.  Health services will be allocated by these points. 

Here is an example of two males who need a heart bi-pass, one is a 70 year  man who has worked hard and paid taxes all of his life. The second is a 30 year old illegal alien who is on parole.  Under obamacare the illegal alien parolee's age will give him more points than the 70 year old man.  He will get the operation before the citizen.

Why will this kill your parents?  Talk to any doctor over 40.  Many don't want to work in the socialized system.  Thousands of doctors will retire, creating a shortage of medical care.  With the health care shortage no persons over the age of 65 will get enough points to obtain life saving operations.  Neither will disabled individuals or people with medical conditions such as gross obesity, or cancer.  This situation actually helps contains the costs of socialized medicine.  Older people cost the system more money.  By letting them die it helps contain costs.

The bottom line is that future President Mitt Romney will eliminate obamacare on his second day in office.  If you love your parents, vote for Mitt  Romney. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What do Future President Mitt Romney and Hilary Clinton have in Common?
During the 2008 Democratic Primary Hilary Clinton was the victim of a voracious campaign of lies and innuendos.  This Chicago Style campaign was orchestrated by ayatollah obama's campaign and amplified by his liberal media lackeys.

Guess what?  They are at it again.  Their slinging lies and garbage at future President Romney. It's not going to work this time.  Future President Romney's staff is turning the tables on these Chicago politicians.  Check out these videos


Here is a link to a great article by Judge Andrew Naolitano. He's a Fox News analyst and a great American.  Feel free to share this with your friends who don't understand America's problems

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why is there deadlock in D.C.
The liberal media and their leftist fellow travelers have been decrying the fact that our Congress can't accomplish anything.  They blame it on the Republicans inability to compromise.  The reason that we can't compromise is that the democrats have moved so far to the left that there is no way that we can even start negotiating. 

Here is a simple way to look at this.  You own a $500,000 house.  I offer you $480,000 to purchase your house.  We negotiate and arrive at a compromise price of $490,000  This is how the American Congress worked in the years prior to the advent of comrades Pelosi and Reid. 

Here is how these radicals work.  You own a $500,000 house. Pelosi and Reid offer you $18,000 and want you to build a swimming pool in the back yard .  When you turn down this ridiculous offer, they scream that you are refusing to negotiate. 

We can start the dialogue when the democrats move back to the center.  Remember this is the party that through out a moderate Senator like Joe Lieberman.  He didn't fit in this radical group

Romney- A class act
Future President Romney showed real class today.  He walked into the lion's den and spoke to the NAACP.  He stayed on target and didn't pander to the crowd.  of course the racists in the audience booed this great man.  I challenge barry obama to speak at a Tea Party meeting.  I guarantee that he will be treated with the respect that he doesn't deserve

Here is something that you can do today
Make a contribution to a Republican candidate for the Senate.  Imagine what we can do with President  Romney in the White House and Republican majorities in both Houses of Congress.

Did you know?
barry obama attended a moslem madrassa in Indonesia.  He used the name Bary Soetoro during this time

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Less than Four Months to Go

As the election gets closer its pretty obvious that barry obama's strategy is to draw attention from his dismal record in the White House.  He's doing this by introducing another crazy scheme each week.  so far we've had gay marriage, amnesty for illegal aliens, obamacare/obamatax, and his economy destroying tax increases on the middle class. He's also launched crazy attacks on topics such as outsourcing and some phantom offshore bank accounts that obama's advisers invented. What will it be next week?

In contrast, I heard future President Romney interviewed by Shawn Hannity today. He wasn't attacking obama.  He was very focused on the things that he's doing to get the country moving again. He's going to be a great president

We are less than 4 months away from the election.  Its time to talk to friends and relatives, and make sure that they are registered.  If you know people who have limited mobility or might stay home if the weather is cold in November, get them a request for a mail in ballot. Help them fill it out and  remind them to use it.  I'm expecting a massive amount of obama voter fraud.  We will need every vote that we can get.

Some daily facts about barry obama's presidency
Unemployment amongst young black people is greater than 50%
barry's people made loan guarantees to a solar company that manufactures solar panels in Mexico

A great article about obama

Here is a link to a great article about comrade obama


Four months until the election time to start moving!