Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ambassador Alan Keyes Comments About Barack Obama

Here are some interesting comments from Former Ambassador Alan Keys. Alan Keyes was Ambassador to the Economic and Social Council under President Ronald Reagan. He was the Republican Candidate for the Senate in 2004. He was defeated by a left wing community activist named Barrack Obama for that job. Mr Keyes knows who Barack Obama is. Listen to what Ambassador Keyes says about Barack Hussein Obama.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The National Board of Realtor's Response to The Obama Budget

The National Association of Realtors issued the following press release on September 26. I wonder how many Realtors who voted for Obama are wishing that they could change their vote?

Here is the press release from their website. I've added the bolding for emphasis.

WASHINGTON, February 26, 2009
The National Association of Realtors®, which has supported the Obama administration’s housing and stimulus plans, is opposed to the budget proposal that would reduce the mortgage interest deduction for thousands of families.
In a letter sent today to President Obama, President Charles McMillan said, “There is never a good time to propose something that undermines the basic foundation of home ownership, but given our current housing crisis, this has to be the worst possible time.”

Any changes to the current mortgage deduction would have repercussions far beyond the homeowners directly impacted.
“The tax deduction of interest paid on mortgages is both a powerful incentive for home ownership and one of the simplest provisions in the tax code. It should not be targeted for change,” McMillan said.

According to NAR’s analysis, changing the mortgage interest deduction will not only negatively impact the 2 percent of families who own homes targeted by the proposal, but also will impact home prices and values across the board. The middle class would see their home values reduced even further by such action, and NAR cautioned the Obama administration that any further pressure on home prices will hamper the economic recovery, raise foreclosures and hurt banks’ abilities to lend.

“Bank balance sheets will bleed as collateral value of their mortgage-backed securities falls even farther. We can’t afford another credit crisis before we resolve the current one,” said McMillan. He also stated that, with the current problems in the economy and the housing market, economic stability must be the focus. Changes that affect the housing industry and the financial arena have to be carefully thought out and balanced, he said.

As the leading advocate for homeowners and the real estate industry, NAR pledged to continue to address issues facing Americans who are trying to purchase a home, protect their current home or preserve investment opportunities in residential and commercial properties. “NAR and our members look forward to working with the president to once again bring stability, prosperity and community to America’s families,” McMillan said.

November 2, 2010- The Most Crucial Day in the History of the Republic

Question to the Republican Leadership- Are We Developing a Plan?

Do you remember the sense of despair that you felt on November 4, 2008? We need to transfer that feeling to the Democrats on November 2, 2010, the date of the next mid term elections. These elections are only 20 months away. On that date, we have the opportunity to stop the nation's slide towards Socialism. Imagine Republican majorities in the House and the Senate. Is there anyone out there who wouldn't like to see Nancy Pelosi relegated to the role of House Minority Leader? Can you imagine Barack Obama's frustration when he can't shove tax and spend legislation down the throats of the American taxpayers.

We need to start the quest for making this happen today! We took back the House of Representatives in 1994 and forced the Clinton Administration to moderate their tone for the balance of their years in office. How did we do this? Newt Gingrich created a simple document called "A Contract With America" This document outlined what the Republican Party stands for. We promised to take actions that the American people were demanding, and we followed through on these actions.

If we are going to be successful in 2010, we must create "A Contract With America, Part Two". We don't have to call it that, but we need to recreate the spirit of the original contract. The game plan is simple. We Republicans must redefine what we stand for, create a focused plan for taking America forward, and communicate this plan to the American people.

It is time for Republicans to demand that our party leadership immediately begin an intensive effort to regain control of Congress in 2010. We need to create our 2010 version of a "Contract With America". It's imperative that we begin identifying candidates who can win in 2010. Once these candidates have been identified we must develop extensive plans to get these people elected! Its going to take money and a highly coordinated effort.

Here is the good part. There is not one Democratic Congressman or Senator who can count on being re-elected in 2010. Can you imaging the kind of garbage legislation that the two megalomaniacs Obama and Pelosi will be forcing down the throats of the American people for the next two years. Obama has been in office for one month. Already Democratic Congressmen will be held to account for voting for bee insurance, tattoo removal, $900,000,000 for repairing the damage caused by Hamas, and Frisbee golf courses.

Its time for us to demand that our party leadership take action. Email Michael Steele and the leadership of the party and tell them that we need a new 'Contract with America'. Let them know that there is no time to waste! November 2, 2010 is 20 months away.

Richard Holbrook on Charlie Rose

I was watching Charlie Rose on February 20. His guest was Richard Holbrook, the US Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mr Holbrook is the voice of U.S. policy in that region. I urge you to look at this video and listen to what he has to say.

I'm very concerned about two things in this interview. First, Mr Holbrook has a very conciliatory tone when speaking about that axis of evil Iran. Second, listen closely to his comments about the composition of the Taliban. He characterizes this evil group as 5% hard core, 25% persons who have a grudge against the government, and 70% unemployed men who are being paid by the Taliban and enjoy guns and the gun culture. This carries forth a theme that I have been hearing from the Obama spin machine. Creating the image of a kinder, gentler Taliban, makes it easier for Obama's minions to run away from that country, leaving some type of coalition government in place.

Check Out this Video
John Ziegler has a great new video out. The title is 'Media Malpractice-How Obama Was Elected and Sarah Palin was targeted. " As the title indicates this video examines how the biased left wing media machine orchestrated the election of Barak Obama. Here is a link to the site where you can learn more about the video, and purchase it. I'm not getting paid to send you there.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Out to John and Ken's Anti Tax Rally March 7

If you are a Californian, you are probably aware that our Democratic State Legislature with the help of Republican Party traitors, and our turncoat Governor just passed the largest package of tax increases in the history of the state. Two talk radio hosts, in Los Angeles, John and Ken from KFI, are organizing a huge rally to protest this abomination.

If you aren't familiar with John and Ken they have championed a number of populist causes. These include, The Three Strikes Law, Recalling Governor Gray 'Gumby' Davis, and the Senate Amnesty Bill. They have a large and passionate listening audience.

On Satrday March 7, they are organizing a Tax Revolt Rally in Fullerton. The rally is being held at the Slidebar Cafe in the Fullerton Transportation Center. It starts at 3PM ends at 6PM. We need to generate a massive turn out to show the Liberal Legislature and Governor Obama, I mean Schwarzenegger, that we aren't going to accept this garbage lying down. Here is a link to John and Ken's site for more details about the rally.

And the Press Called Dan Quayle Dumb- Biden is Techno Stupid
You remember Joe Biden, the man who told a gentleman in a wheelchair to stand up. He was a guest on CBS' "The Early Show" and told people that they should access the website that tracks the government's spending on the "Socialism in the Box" Stimulus Plan. He asked one of his aides for the websites "number". Poor Joe, he thinks that the internet operates like his cell phone, and the sites have numbers. Of course the liberal press is not reporting this gaffe. Remember how they shredded John McCain for having an aide handle his E-mail? Then we discovered that it was necessary because of Senator McCain's war injuries.

The really frightening thing is that this man will be our president after we impeach Barack Obama in 2011.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Barack Obama's Speach-

Hillary Clinton Was Right- Barrack Obama is Not Ready to Lead

Watching Barrack Obama speak last night three things were very clear

The first item was that this individual does not believe in Free Market Capitalism. He believes that all good things come from big government. He and his conspirators, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and the Democratic Congress do not believe that the American system works. Will we be applying the same government managerial genius in running the banks and financial institutions that has been applied to the Post Office and the Social Security System? The bottom line is that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed are Socialists.

The second thing that was clear to me is that Barack Obama has less leadership experience than the manager at your local Burger King. I've manage new managers for a number of years. The first thing that an inexperienced manager does is panic. When they panic they apply an inappropriate amount of resources to the problems that they encounter. Does that sound familiar?

The third area that I don't understand is his call to move rapidly for 'Health Care Reform'. We all know what that means, nationalization of the health care system. The country is spending $1,000,000,000,000 on Obama's 'Socialism in the Box' stimulus plan. The economy is in a shambles due to the Democrat's ineptitude. Why is Obama insisting on attacking this non-problem today? Could it be that he knows, he will be losing control of Congress in 2010?

My Plan for Fixing the Mortgage Crisis

My Simple Plan for Fixing the Mortgage Crisis
Does anyone understand Barak Obama's convoluted $75,000,000,000 plan to fix the mortgage crisis. As with any plan put forward by the Democrats it is very complex, confusing and a mess. It has already been attacked for the fact that responsible individuals will be paying for the mistakes of the government entities and the individual borrowers who caused this crisis. I have a plan that provides an equitable solution to the mortgage crisis This plan will get the economy moving without Obama's $1,000,000,000,000 "Socialism In a Box" stimulus bill.

I'm proposing that we change the current home interest deduction from a tax deduction to a tax credit. Every dollar that a family spends on home interest would decrease their tax liability by one dollar. The effect would be immediate. Home owners in danger of losing their houses would be able to pay their house payments with the monies saved on their income taxes. The rest of us would receive a major tax cut. We could utilize this windfall to increase savings, pay down debt, make home improvements, buy cars, furniture and other items that would stimulate the economy. If the tax credit is extended to rental property, land lords could break even with lower rents. If monthly rents are lower, renters can save money towards the down payment on the purchase of a home, thus achieving the goal of extending home ownership.

Administration of this program would be simple. The 1040 form would need to be revised to add a line for the tax credit. That's it! No expenditure of $75,000,000,000 of taxpayer funds and no complicated formulas and involvement with failing banks. Of course the banks would not be failing any more as home owners would be able to bring their mortgages current.

If you think that this is a good idea, write your congressman, your local newspaper and Barack Obama. Tell him that we don't need a ridiculous $75,000,000,000 bailout program that primarily benefits irresponsible home owners. Tell them that we need a tax credit for home interest.

Obama and Clinton's $900,000,000 Bail Out for Hamas
Hillary Clinto is proposing that we spend almost One Billion American Dollars to rebuild the Gaza strip. Let me get this straight. Hamas attacks Israel with a continous barrage of missles. Isreal defends itself. In the process they damage areas where Hamas has hidden weapons. And the American public pays to fix the damage caused by Hamas. Does that make any sense? Maybe we could give Osama Bin Ladin some money to leave us alone. That might be cheaper than fighting the war on terror. If this is Barak Obama's idea of a foreign policy he needs to resign immediately.

Why I Won't Need A Government Mortgage Bail Out

Why I Don't Need a Government Mortgage Bail Out

I bought my house four years ago. At the time, my wife and I had an extremely hectic schedule. She is a busy professional, and I was constantly traveling back and forth between the US and Europe on business. We used an mortgage broke recommended by a friend. I was implicit in my instructions to this broker that I wanted a 30 year mortgage with a fixed interest rate.

The purchase day came, the moving van had been scheduled, and our previous house was about to close escrow. The Notary Public came to our home with the papers. I performed an act that I'm sure that many of the individuals who will be the gleeful recipients of Obama's $75,000,000,000 gift failed to do. I sat down and read and reviewed my loan papers. The monthly payment was considerably lower than I had expected. Then I read the terms. The mortgage broker had written this a a loan with the first five years of interest only payments. After 5 years we would be paying some outrageous interest rate. I made this discovery at 10 AM on the morning that we needed to sign the papers. I got on the telephone to the broker. He advised me to sign the papers and we could redo the loan later. As I had read the terms of the loan closely, I knew that there was a prepayment penalty if we paid off the loan in the first three years. He advised me that this was a technicality and we should sign the papers, we could work it out later. I told him that he had until close of business that day to get us a new loan with a 30 year term and a fixed interest rate, or he would be speaking to my attorneys. At 4 PM that afternoon the Notary returned to our house with a new set of papers that had a 30 year term and a fixed interest rate. Had we not carefully reviewed the loan documents, we would no longer own this house. We could not have afforded the payments after the five year interest free period.

Every day I see some sad story in the newspaper or television about some poor person who lost their house because they did not know what they were signing or didn't understand the terms of the loan. Some say that they don't speak English and signed papers that they could not read. Would any of us sign such documents? Our $75,000,000,000 is going to bail out these fools.

I'm better informed than many because I have an MBA. If I was going to venture into something that I don't know such as commercial real estate, I would seek the advice of experts in the field. I wouldn't blindly sign a document that was thrust in front of me. If I was going to buy property in a foreign country, I would have all of the documents translated by an independent translation service. I would retain the services of a reputable real estate attorney in that country. Did any of these people take those steps?

I do not fault those borrowers who in good faith bought a home that they could afford, and had a change in circumstances. I believe that the banks should make some provision to work with families who have a medical emergency, or suffer a job loss. That's just good business. Modify their rates for a period of time until they can get back on their feet. They will have a happy customer and avoid the hassles of repossessing a house. Best of all the government would not need to whip out their $75,000,000,000 check book.

Wall Street Votes on Obama's Actions
As Americans we won't have the opportunity to vote against Barack Obama's ludicrous policies until the mid term elections in 2010. As we all know, we will regain the majority in the House of Representatives at that time. One election is being held daily. Americans are voting with their investment dollars, and the results are bleak for the Democrats. Yesterday the stock market hit its lowest point in 12 years. Obama keeps announcing plans and the stock market keeps tumbling. Does that tell us something about the viability of the plans? If the 2008 Presidential election was held today, would Obama get 35% of the vote?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Taking Positive Action to Restore America's Values

Are you angry about America's move towards Socialism
Its easy to get angry and frustrated by the events of the last year. Its time to channel those emotions into direct action. And no, I'm not going to ask you to donate money. Here are some ideas.
1) Join a Republican organization. I belong to a Republican club. Its a great way to meet other Republicans and get find ways to help the cause. We have monthly meetings with great speakers, and lots of opportunities to get involved in advancing the Republican agenda.
2) Get involved in local campaigns. The turn out for local elections is minuscule. A focused get out the vote effort can make the difference. A base of Republican officials in local offices can pave the way to bigger victories later on. Volunteer to work for candidates that you believe in.
3) Be informed. Go beyond the rhetoric that the liberal media is spewing out. Watch Fox News, question the facts of news articles that you read, conduct research on the Internet. Have your facts ready the next time that some liberal starts bashing the Republican Party. Be ready to prove to them that 'Things Were Better Under Bush"
4) Vote with your dollars. Boycott the movies and concerts of liberal icons. Be aware which public figures support our cause and support them. Conservative voices in Hollywood are being discriminated against. Its time to return the favor. A great target is NBC. Saturday Night Live attacked Sarah Palin and John McCain relentlessly. NBC news is a bastion of liberal rhetoric. In the future I'm going to talk in detail about a great way to show NBC how we feel. In summary, I'm proposing that we boycott NBC's flagship show 30 Rock. This show feature two prominent liberals Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey. The ratings are marginal, and a solid Republican boycott could throw it off of the air.
5) Pray for our country and its leaders

Democrats on the Move
I've been chronicling the travels of Nancy Pelosi this week as she junkets through Italy. I've just become aware that Senate Whip Dick Durbin is junketing through Cypress, Greece and Turkey this week. I've visited those countries, of course I paid for the trip myself. Its funny that these residents of a cold region like Washington D.C. chose to do business in warmer climates during the dead of a D.C. winter. What's next? Will they be studying the effects of global warming in Hawaii?

A Truly Frightening WebSite
I really and truly hope that this site is a joke. Unfortunately as I went through it I believe that it is too long and too detailed to be a joke. The Site is Titled "Is Barak Obama the Messiah?". Here is the link.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hey Barack Obama- Where Is My Tax Cut?

Wheres the Tax Cut for Middle Class People?
During the election campaign Barack Obama repeatedly said that he was going to cut taxes for middle class Americans. When pressed he defined middle class as persons making less than $250,000 a year. Take a look at Barack Obama's 'socialism in a box' stimulus bill. It contains tax credits for families making less than $150,000 a year. What happened? It appears that he lied to us. If I bought a Toyota and they said that it got 100 miles per gallon and it only gets 35 miles per gallon, Toyota would be in a lot of trouble. Maybe we should apply the same standard to presidential candidate. By the way, my family falls into that category of persons who isn't going to get an tax relief. If there is an enterprising attorney out there who wants to launch a high profile class action law suit against Barack Obama, sign me up.

Pope not Happy with Catholic School Girl Nancy Pelosi
As I predicted in yesterday's blog House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit with the Pope did not go well. As you may know Pelosi is a Catholic and Pro-abortion. Pelosi's office released a nice story about their friendly visit. The Vatican released a statement reaffirming the Catholic church's stand on abortion. Fox news has a great story on the topic. You can check it out at this link.

s Barack Obama's Willie Horton Sitting In Guantanamo
Barack Obama has decided to close the US detention facility at Guantanamo. He has not laid out a plan for dealing with the approximately 245 inmates being held there. These are dangerous men, who are very angry with the United States. Here are several potential scenarios.

1) Terrorists are returned to the middle Eastern Countries where they were born. They are imediately released and return to a life of terrorism.

2) Terrorists from the EU are returned to their home countries and put in prison. The EU experiences a huge surge in terroristic acts where hostages are grabbed and held as pawns to be traded for imprisoned terrorists. Remeber, the Munich Olympics massacre was initially started as an effort to release prisoners held in Egypt.

3) Terrorists are moved to military bases in the United States. Liberal Jurists such as the Ninth Court of Apeal order them released. They are settled in American neighborhoods, given public assistance, joined by their friends and families and initiate huge lawsuits against the US Government for their treatment while in detention.

The most frightening scenario is that one or more of these terrorists is involved in an attack on the United States. No one wants to see a terrorist attack any where. One of the quickest ways to increase the odds is to disperse the 245 known terrorists who are now securely locked away in Guantanamo. Unfortunately for Barak Obama he will be held accountable for the actions of these terrorists.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An American Carol

Take the Time to Watch This Movie that Pokes Fun at Liberals
If you are looking for some laughs this weekend buy or rent a copy of the hilarious movie 'An American Carol. 'An American Carol' is a great movie that all Americans should see. It makes fun at liberal control of education institutions, their love of the Cuban health care system, Michael Moore and a multitude of other issues. It stars Kelsey Grammer, Kevin Farley, Dennis Hopper, Jon Voight, James Woods, Robert Davi, and Trace Atkins. I strongly recommend that you buy several copies of this DVD and give them as gifts to liberal friends. Here is a link to the movie's site

I did not receive anything for promoting this movie. I do believe that we should support conservative show business figures and movies that promote our message.

Who Pays for Acorn Protests
I've noticed that ACORN has been protesting a lot lately. Who pays for their travel expenses and time? Aren't they receiving a lot of government grant money? Some one needs to audit this group to insure that our tax dollars aren't being spent to pay for protests against our governments policies.

A Public Service Message About Gun Control
Check out this video file. As soon as Obama, Pelosi and their gang finish releasing terrorists, raising taxes, increasing government spending, and denying Rush Limbaugh his free speach rights, they will move on to lower priorities like gun control. This video is from a concerned group of working people. By the way if you are concerned about gun control legislation, I've added a link to the National Rifle Association's website in the links section of this blog. As you might guess I'm a member.

Obama, Pelosi and Reed Set the Stage for the California Scam

The Stock Market and Barack Obama's 'Socialism in a Box' Stimulus Bill
For those of us who still believe in a free market economy, the stock market had an interesting reaction to the signing of the bill designed to bring our economy out of recession. On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 297 points losing 3.79% of its total value on Tuesday. The NSDAQ and the S&P 500 fared worse. It sounds like Wall Street isn't buying the rhetoric.

The California Scam
I am making a prediction. Within two years the gang of three, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reed, will come to us with the story that America is bankrupt. They will tell us that we won't be able to support our military, patrol our borders, keep our National Parks open or continue funding Social Security for our elderly. They will parade a multitude of innocent victims in front of us. And they will blame it on the budget deficits that they inherited from the Bush Administration. There will be no mention of the $1,000,000,000,000 spending package that they labeled a stimulus bill.

Of course they will propose a miraculous way out of this situation. This solution will entail a comprehensive package of new taxes. Of course all of these taxes will be aimed at rich people and big businesses. There may be some new fees that ordinary taxpayer will pay, but we need not concern ourselves with such details. Passing taxes will be the only way to save the country. Its the patriotic thing to do. Any one who opposes these 'revenue generating' measures will be labeled an obstructionist.

Why am I confident that this will happen? Because its happening today in California. Under the California Constitution a 2/3 majority is required for the passage of any new taxes. The minority Republican party in the state can usually block the passage of any new tax initiatives under normal times. The Democrats have learned how to get around this. They spend the state into a crisis mode. Once critical mass of a crisis appears they then scream that the only way to save the state is to initiate new 'revenue sources'. Horrible scenarios unveil, where they are being forced to release dangerous criminals from jail, lay off policemen, firemen and teachers, and close schools, libraries and parks. There is no discussion about eliminating any of the budget busting social programs that cripple the state budget.

In 2003 the politicians in this state pulled this scam. This resulted in the impeachment of then Governor Grey Davis and the election of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Six years later Arnold 'The Governator' Schwarzenegger has become a co-conspirator and joined into the scam. The Obama Gang has been studying how Democrats in California run this scam. Yesterday they started phase one, spend the country into a crisis mode.

Nancy Pelosi Update
Speaker of the House is continuing her Roman holiday using our tax money. Today she meets the Pope. It should be an interesting conversation as pro-abortion Pelosi is a Catholic. I wonder if the Pope has any questions to ask her.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tuesday Post

Black Tuesday- The Signing of the Socialism Bill
It will be easy to despair today as Barak Obama signs the budget busting bill that rapidly moves America down the road to Socialism. There is a bright spot. Think about the mid term elections. Democratic candidates will be forced to defend almost $1,000,000,000,000 in increased spending. Imagine the field day that Republican candidates will have as we force the Democratic incumbents to defend spending money on items like bee insurance and Frisbee golf courses. How many seats in congress will we gain from this horrible legislation?

Nancy 'Tax and Spend' Pelosi Update
Do you know where Nancy Pelosi is this week? After securing passage of the $1,000,000,000,000 bill she immediately began stimulating the economy. She joined a group of Congressman on a taxpayer paid junket to Italy.

Personal Responsibility and the Father of the Octuplets
Its nice to see Americans outraged at Nadya Suleman the irresponsible mother of the octuplets. Where is the outrage at the father? he is frequently refered to as the sperm donor. in my mind he is a father. By providing Nadya Suleman with his sperm, he fathered 14 children. This irresponsible act is already costing taxpayers roughly $500 a month in food stamps and $2400 a month in Social Security Disability payments. We will now be forced to pay at least $1,000,000 in medical care for his children. In a recent interview Suleman said that she signed the requisite legal papers to relieve the father of any responsibility for his children. This needs to be investigated. The father needs to shoulder the financial burden for his children. By providing Nadya Suleman with his sperm, he shot a bullet in the air not knowing where it would land. That bullet landed in the backs of American taxpayers and on the heads of his 14 innocent children.

Why We Lost- The Myth of the Failed Bush Administration
One question continues to ring in my head. How could John McCain and Sarah Palin lose the presidential election to Barak Obama and Joe Biden? Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to examine a number of factors that I believe contributed to this debacle. Today I'll discuss the myth of the failed Bush Presidency.

Look back at the statements made by the Democratic candidates and their supporters, during the primaries and the election campaign. Take a look at the statements made by the liberal media and the Hollywood liberals. You'll see a very common mantra. This mantra usually has some variant of the word failure in it. This mantra, includes statement such as, 'the failed Bush administration, the failed policies of the Bush Administration, the failure of the Bush administration to fix (insert an issue). We allowed this lie to build and become part of the accepted mythology. It became accepted doctrine that the Bush Administration was a failure. Once the nation accepted this lie it was easy to link any proposal that McCain brought forward to 'the failed policies of the Bush Administration' We all know that this is a lie. The Bush administration was a great success.

How can we use this to our advantage in the next election? We must begin challenging the assertion that the Bush Administration was a failure. Obama is building a dismal record that we can begin to contrast to the successes of the Bush years. We should create our own mantra.Lets make sure that people who we talk to understand that 'Things were better under Bush".

Welcome to The Shining City

Thanks for visiting my blog. It's a no coincidence that I am launching this blog on President's Day. America has flourished under some great Presidents. During my lifetime, I believe that the greatest President (and greatest world leader) was President President Ronald Reagan. I also believe that the absolute worse president was Jimmy Carter.

What is the difference between a terrible president like Jimmy Carter and a great President like Ronald Reagan? It all comes down to two things belief and values. President Ronald Reagan truly believed in the concept of America as the Shining City on the Hill. Jimmy Carter talked about an era of diminished expectations. There was a lot of discussion during the Carter era, that America's best days were behind her, that we were no longer a great country. The Misery Index (the combination of the unemployment rate and the inflation rate) in June of 1980 was 21.98%. America couldn't put 8 working helicopters in the air to rescue hostages held by a fourth rate country like Iran. After 5 years under Reagan the misery index had dropped to 7.7% and America was strong again, easily rescuing American students in Grenada.

Ronald Reagan believed in America's greatness, and he followed the values that built America. I remember sitting at home in December of 1980. America was a mess. Suddenly Ronald and Nancy Reagan were on television. They wished the American public a Merry Christmas, and basically said, 'hang in there help is on the way'. I felt a new confidence in America's prospects. What did he do during his presidency? Ronald Reagan cut taxes, reduced the size and influence of the government, reinforced the principles of free market capitalism and increased spending on defense. He gave speaches that expressed his loved of this country and his desire to make it strong again. He made Americans believe in themselves.

What bearing does this have on America today? Today we have a president who keeps repeating the mantra that America is trouble. We hear from Obama that the economy is a mess and that we need massive government intervention to bail us out. Then he tells us that the $1,000,000,000,000 being spent may not be enough. Take a look at that figure. it is incomprehensible.

Look over Obama's statements since his inaugaration. Do any of them inspire enough confidence in you that you are planning on going out and buying a new car or investing in the stock market? Americans are beginning to ask themseves if we have we elected a second Jimmy Carter. Will Obama betray Israel as Carter betrayed the Shah of Iran? He plans to open talks with Hamas and Iran. Will we be sitting in gas lines again? What is the misery index today?

Look at Ronald Reagan's description of the Shining City on the Hill. I'd buy stocks today, if we had a leader who expressed that type of feeling for America.

In the future my posts will address more specific political issues. I just felt that it was important on this Presidents day to look at the leadership vacuum that we have in this country.

I have one comment on this President's Day. Where is Ronald Reagan, now that we need him?