Friday, February 20, 2009

Taking Positive Action to Restore America's Values

Are you angry about America's move towards Socialism
Its easy to get angry and frustrated by the events of the last year. Its time to channel those emotions into direct action. And no, I'm not going to ask you to donate money. Here are some ideas.
1) Join a Republican organization. I belong to a Republican club. Its a great way to meet other Republicans and get find ways to help the cause. We have monthly meetings with great speakers, and lots of opportunities to get involved in advancing the Republican agenda.
2) Get involved in local campaigns. The turn out for local elections is minuscule. A focused get out the vote effort can make the difference. A base of Republican officials in local offices can pave the way to bigger victories later on. Volunteer to work for candidates that you believe in.
3) Be informed. Go beyond the rhetoric that the liberal media is spewing out. Watch Fox News, question the facts of news articles that you read, conduct research on the Internet. Have your facts ready the next time that some liberal starts bashing the Republican Party. Be ready to prove to them that 'Things Were Better Under Bush"
4) Vote with your dollars. Boycott the movies and concerts of liberal icons. Be aware which public figures support our cause and support them. Conservative voices in Hollywood are being discriminated against. Its time to return the favor. A great target is NBC. Saturday Night Live attacked Sarah Palin and John McCain relentlessly. NBC news is a bastion of liberal rhetoric. In the future I'm going to talk in detail about a great way to show NBC how we feel. In summary, I'm proposing that we boycott NBC's flagship show 30 Rock. This show feature two prominent liberals Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey. The ratings are marginal, and a solid Republican boycott could throw it off of the air.
5) Pray for our country and its leaders

Democrats on the Move
I've been chronicling the travels of Nancy Pelosi this week as she junkets through Italy. I've just become aware that Senate Whip Dick Durbin is junketing through Cypress, Greece and Turkey this week. I've visited those countries, of course I paid for the trip myself. Its funny that these residents of a cold region like Washington D.C. chose to do business in warmer climates during the dead of a D.C. winter. What's next? Will they be studying the effects of global warming in Hawaii?

A Truly Frightening WebSite
I really and truly hope that this site is a joke. Unfortunately as I went through it I believe that it is too long and too detailed to be a joke. The Site is Titled "Is Barak Obama the Messiah?". Here is the link.

1 comment:

  1. tape or watch the Glen Beck show every day, he is great. He is on FOX.
    How did Pelosi get everyone to sign the Plan without reading the over 800 pages. How did it happen? Can we rescind the Plan? It is so full of Pork. We must stop it.
