Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Barack Obama's Speach-

Hillary Clinton Was Right- Barrack Obama is Not Ready to Lead

Watching Barrack Obama speak last night three things were very clear

The first item was that this individual does not believe in Free Market Capitalism. He believes that all good things come from big government. He and his conspirators, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and the Democratic Congress do not believe that the American system works. Will we be applying the same government managerial genius in running the banks and financial institutions that has been applied to the Post Office and the Social Security System? The bottom line is that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed are Socialists.

The second thing that was clear to me is that Barack Obama has less leadership experience than the manager at your local Burger King. I've manage new managers for a number of years. The first thing that an inexperienced manager does is panic. When they panic they apply an inappropriate amount of resources to the problems that they encounter. Does that sound familiar?

The third area that I don't understand is his call to move rapidly for 'Health Care Reform'. We all know what that means, nationalization of the health care system. The country is spending $1,000,000,000,000 on Obama's 'Socialism in the Box' stimulus plan. The economy is in a shambles due to the Democrat's ineptitude. Why is Obama insisting on attacking this non-problem today? Could it be that he knows, he will be losing control of Congress in 2010?

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