Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Out to John and Ken's Anti Tax Rally March 7

If you are a Californian, you are probably aware that our Democratic State Legislature with the help of Republican Party traitors, and our turncoat Governor just passed the largest package of tax increases in the history of the state. Two talk radio hosts, in Los Angeles, John and Ken from KFI, are organizing a huge rally to protest this abomination.

If you aren't familiar with John and Ken they have championed a number of populist causes. These include, The Three Strikes Law, Recalling Governor Gray 'Gumby' Davis, and the Senate Amnesty Bill. They have a large and passionate listening audience.

On Satrday March 7, they are organizing a Tax Revolt Rally in Fullerton. The rally is being held at the Slidebar Cafe in the Fullerton Transportation Center. It starts at 3PM ends at 6PM. We need to generate a massive turn out to show the Liberal Legislature and Governor Obama, I mean Schwarzenegger, that we aren't going to accept this garbage lying down. Here is a link to John and Ken's site for more details about the rally.

And the Press Called Dan Quayle Dumb- Biden is Techno Stupid
You remember Joe Biden, the man who told a gentleman in a wheelchair to stand up. He was a guest on CBS' "The Early Show" and told people that they should access the website that tracks the government's spending on the "Socialism in the Box" Stimulus Plan. He asked one of his aides for the websites "number". Poor Joe, he thinks that the internet operates like his cell phone, and the sites have numbers. Of course the liberal press is not reporting this gaffe. Remember how they shredded John McCain for having an aide handle his E-mail? Then we discovered that it was necessary because of Senator McCain's war injuries.

The really frightening thing is that this man will be our president after we impeach Barack Obama in 2011.

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