Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An American Carol

Take the Time to Watch This Movie that Pokes Fun at Liberals
If you are looking for some laughs this weekend buy or rent a copy of the hilarious movie 'An American Carol. 'An American Carol' is a great movie that all Americans should see. It makes fun at liberal control of education institutions, their love of the Cuban health care system, Michael Moore and a multitude of other issues. It stars Kelsey Grammer, Kevin Farley, Dennis Hopper, Jon Voight, James Woods, Robert Davi, and Trace Atkins. I strongly recommend that you buy several copies of this DVD and give them as gifts to liberal friends. Here is a link to the movie's site

I did not receive anything for promoting this movie. I do believe that we should support conservative show business figures and movies that promote our message.

Who Pays for Acorn Protests
I've noticed that ACORN has been protesting a lot lately. Who pays for their travel expenses and time? Aren't they receiving a lot of government grant money? Some one needs to audit this group to insure that our tax dollars aren't being spent to pay for protests against our governments policies.

A Public Service Message About Gun Control
Check out this video file. As soon as Obama, Pelosi and their gang finish releasing terrorists, raising taxes, increasing government spending, and denying Rush Limbaugh his free speach rights, they will move on to lower priorities like gun control. This video is from a concerned group of working people. By the way if you are concerned about gun control legislation, I've added a link to the National Rifle Association's website in the links section of this blog. As you might guess I'm a member.

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