Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hey Barack Obama- Where Is My Tax Cut?

Wheres the Tax Cut for Middle Class People?
During the election campaign Barack Obama repeatedly said that he was going to cut taxes for middle class Americans. When pressed he defined middle class as persons making less than $250,000 a year. Take a look at Barack Obama's 'socialism in a box' stimulus bill. It contains tax credits for families making less than $150,000 a year. What happened? It appears that he lied to us. If I bought a Toyota and they said that it got 100 miles per gallon and it only gets 35 miles per gallon, Toyota would be in a lot of trouble. Maybe we should apply the same standard to presidential candidate. By the way, my family falls into that category of persons who isn't going to get an tax relief. If there is an enterprising attorney out there who wants to launch a high profile class action law suit against Barack Obama, sign me up.

Pope not Happy with Catholic School Girl Nancy Pelosi
As I predicted in yesterday's blog House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit with the Pope did not go well. As you may know Pelosi is a Catholic and Pro-abortion. Pelosi's office released a nice story about their friendly visit. The Vatican released a statement reaffirming the Catholic church's stand on abortion. Fox news has a great story on the topic. You can check it out at this link.

s Barack Obama's Willie Horton Sitting In Guantanamo
Barack Obama has decided to close the US detention facility at Guantanamo. He has not laid out a plan for dealing with the approximately 245 inmates being held there. These are dangerous men, who are very angry with the United States. Here are several potential scenarios.

1) Terrorists are returned to the middle Eastern Countries where they were born. They are imediately released and return to a life of terrorism.

2) Terrorists from the EU are returned to their home countries and put in prison. The EU experiences a huge surge in terroristic acts where hostages are grabbed and held as pawns to be traded for imprisoned terrorists. Remeber, the Munich Olympics massacre was initially started as an effort to release prisoners held in Egypt.

3) Terrorists are moved to military bases in the United States. Liberal Jurists such as the Ninth Court of Apeal order them released. They are settled in American neighborhoods, given public assistance, joined by their friends and families and initiate huge lawsuits against the US Government for their treatment while in detention.

The most frightening scenario is that one or more of these terrorists is involved in an attack on the United States. No one wants to see a terrorist attack any where. One of the quickest ways to increase the odds is to disperse the 245 known terrorists who are now securely locked away in Guantanamo. Unfortunately for Barak Obama he will be held accountable for the actions of these terrorists.

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