Friday, February 27, 2009

The National Board of Realtor's Response to The Obama Budget

The National Association of Realtors issued the following press release on September 26. I wonder how many Realtors who voted for Obama are wishing that they could change their vote?

Here is the press release from their website. I've added the bolding for emphasis.

WASHINGTON, February 26, 2009
The National Association of Realtors®, which has supported the Obama administration’s housing and stimulus plans, is opposed to the budget proposal that would reduce the mortgage interest deduction for thousands of families.
In a letter sent today to President Obama, President Charles McMillan said, “There is never a good time to propose something that undermines the basic foundation of home ownership, but given our current housing crisis, this has to be the worst possible time.”

Any changes to the current mortgage deduction would have repercussions far beyond the homeowners directly impacted.
“The tax deduction of interest paid on mortgages is both a powerful incentive for home ownership and one of the simplest provisions in the tax code. It should not be targeted for change,” McMillan said.

According to NAR’s analysis, changing the mortgage interest deduction will not only negatively impact the 2 percent of families who own homes targeted by the proposal, but also will impact home prices and values across the board. The middle class would see their home values reduced even further by such action, and NAR cautioned the Obama administration that any further pressure on home prices will hamper the economic recovery, raise foreclosures and hurt banks’ abilities to lend.

“Bank balance sheets will bleed as collateral value of their mortgage-backed securities falls even farther. We can’t afford another credit crisis before we resolve the current one,” said McMillan. He also stated that, with the current problems in the economy and the housing market, economic stability must be the focus. Changes that affect the housing industry and the financial arena have to be carefully thought out and balanced, he said.

As the leading advocate for homeowners and the real estate industry, NAR pledged to continue to address issues facing Americans who are trying to purchase a home, protect their current home or preserve investment opportunities in residential and commercial properties. “NAR and our members look forward to working with the president to once again bring stability, prosperity and community to America’s families,” McMillan said.

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