Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama, Pelosi and Reed Set the Stage for the California Scam

The Stock Market and Barack Obama's 'Socialism in a Box' Stimulus Bill
For those of us who still believe in a free market economy, the stock market had an interesting reaction to the signing of the bill designed to bring our economy out of recession. On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 297 points losing 3.79% of its total value on Tuesday. The NSDAQ and the S&P 500 fared worse. It sounds like Wall Street isn't buying the rhetoric.

The California Scam
I am making a prediction. Within two years the gang of three, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reed, will come to us with the story that America is bankrupt. They will tell us that we won't be able to support our military, patrol our borders, keep our National Parks open or continue funding Social Security for our elderly. They will parade a multitude of innocent victims in front of us. And they will blame it on the budget deficits that they inherited from the Bush Administration. There will be no mention of the $1,000,000,000,000 spending package that they labeled a stimulus bill.

Of course they will propose a miraculous way out of this situation. This solution will entail a comprehensive package of new taxes. Of course all of these taxes will be aimed at rich people and big businesses. There may be some new fees that ordinary taxpayer will pay, but we need not concern ourselves with such details. Passing taxes will be the only way to save the country. Its the patriotic thing to do. Any one who opposes these 'revenue generating' measures will be labeled an obstructionist.

Why am I confident that this will happen? Because its happening today in California. Under the California Constitution a 2/3 majority is required for the passage of any new taxes. The minority Republican party in the state can usually block the passage of any new tax initiatives under normal times. The Democrats have learned how to get around this. They spend the state into a crisis mode. Once critical mass of a crisis appears they then scream that the only way to save the state is to initiate new 'revenue sources'. Horrible scenarios unveil, where they are being forced to release dangerous criminals from jail, lay off policemen, firemen and teachers, and close schools, libraries and parks. There is no discussion about eliminating any of the budget busting social programs that cripple the state budget.

In 2003 the politicians in this state pulled this scam. This resulted in the impeachment of then Governor Grey Davis and the election of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Six years later Arnold 'The Governator' Schwarzenegger has become a co-conspirator and joined into the scam. The Obama Gang has been studying how Democrats in California run this scam. Yesterday they started phase one, spend the country into a crisis mode.

Nancy Pelosi Update
Speaker of the House is continuing her Roman holiday using our tax money. Today she meets the Pope. It should be an interesting conversation as pro-abortion Pelosi is a Catholic. I wonder if the Pope has any questions to ask her.

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