Friday, February 27, 2009

Richard Holbrook on Charlie Rose

I was watching Charlie Rose on February 20. His guest was Richard Holbrook, the US Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mr Holbrook is the voice of U.S. policy in that region. I urge you to look at this video and listen to what he has to say.

I'm very concerned about two things in this interview. First, Mr Holbrook has a very conciliatory tone when speaking about that axis of evil Iran. Second, listen closely to his comments about the composition of the Taliban. He characterizes this evil group as 5% hard core, 25% persons who have a grudge against the government, and 70% unemployed men who are being paid by the Taliban and enjoy guns and the gun culture. This carries forth a theme that I have been hearing from the Obama spin machine. Creating the image of a kinder, gentler Taliban, makes it easier for Obama's minions to run away from that country, leaving some type of coalition government in place.

Check Out this Video
John Ziegler has a great new video out. The title is 'Media Malpractice-How Obama Was Elected and Sarah Palin was targeted. " As the title indicates this video examines how the biased left wing media machine orchestrated the election of Barak Obama. Here is a link to the site where you can learn more about the video, and purchase it. I'm not getting paid to send you there.

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