Friday, February 27, 2009

November 2, 2010- The Most Crucial Day in the History of the Republic

Question to the Republican Leadership- Are We Developing a Plan?

Do you remember the sense of despair that you felt on November 4, 2008? We need to transfer that feeling to the Democrats on November 2, 2010, the date of the next mid term elections. These elections are only 20 months away. On that date, we have the opportunity to stop the nation's slide towards Socialism. Imagine Republican majorities in the House and the Senate. Is there anyone out there who wouldn't like to see Nancy Pelosi relegated to the role of House Minority Leader? Can you imagine Barack Obama's frustration when he can't shove tax and spend legislation down the throats of the American taxpayers.

We need to start the quest for making this happen today! We took back the House of Representatives in 1994 and forced the Clinton Administration to moderate their tone for the balance of their years in office. How did we do this? Newt Gingrich created a simple document called "A Contract With America" This document outlined what the Republican Party stands for. We promised to take actions that the American people were demanding, and we followed through on these actions.

If we are going to be successful in 2010, we must create "A Contract With America, Part Two". We don't have to call it that, but we need to recreate the spirit of the original contract. The game plan is simple. We Republicans must redefine what we stand for, create a focused plan for taking America forward, and communicate this plan to the American people.

It is time for Republicans to demand that our party leadership immediately begin an intensive effort to regain control of Congress in 2010. We need to create our 2010 version of a "Contract With America". It's imperative that we begin identifying candidates who can win in 2010. Once these candidates have been identified we must develop extensive plans to get these people elected! Its going to take money and a highly coordinated effort.

Here is the good part. There is not one Democratic Congressman or Senator who can count on being re-elected in 2010. Can you imaging the kind of garbage legislation that the two megalomaniacs Obama and Pelosi will be forcing down the throats of the American people for the next two years. Obama has been in office for one month. Already Democratic Congressmen will be held to account for voting for bee insurance, tattoo removal, $900,000,000 for repairing the damage caused by Hamas, and Frisbee golf courses.

Its time for us to demand that our party leadership take action. Email Michael Steele and the leadership of the party and tell them that we need a new 'Contract with America'. Let them know that there is no time to waste! November 2, 2010 is 20 months away.

1 comment:

  1. Are the Republicans trying to self destruct? We now find that 40% of the earmarks of the Federal porkulus bill came from RINOs. They had a platinum opportunity to disavow this wasteful spending and taxpayer abuse but apparently our Republican electorate are just as ethically corrupt as the Dems. How can we recover when our own party is adding to the abuse?
