Monday, February 16, 2009

Tuesday Post

Black Tuesday- The Signing of the Socialism Bill
It will be easy to despair today as Barak Obama signs the budget busting bill that rapidly moves America down the road to Socialism. There is a bright spot. Think about the mid term elections. Democratic candidates will be forced to defend almost $1,000,000,000,000 in increased spending. Imagine the field day that Republican candidates will have as we force the Democratic incumbents to defend spending money on items like bee insurance and Frisbee golf courses. How many seats in congress will we gain from this horrible legislation?

Nancy 'Tax and Spend' Pelosi Update
Do you know where Nancy Pelosi is this week? After securing passage of the $1,000,000,000,000 bill she immediately began stimulating the economy. She joined a group of Congressman on a taxpayer paid junket to Italy.

Personal Responsibility and the Father of the Octuplets
Its nice to see Americans outraged at Nadya Suleman the irresponsible mother of the octuplets. Where is the outrage at the father? he is frequently refered to as the sperm donor. in my mind he is a father. By providing Nadya Suleman with his sperm, he fathered 14 children. This irresponsible act is already costing taxpayers roughly $500 a month in food stamps and $2400 a month in Social Security Disability payments. We will now be forced to pay at least $1,000,000 in medical care for his children. In a recent interview Suleman said that she signed the requisite legal papers to relieve the father of any responsibility for his children. This needs to be investigated. The father needs to shoulder the financial burden for his children. By providing Nadya Suleman with his sperm, he shot a bullet in the air not knowing where it would land. That bullet landed in the backs of American taxpayers and on the heads of his 14 innocent children.

Why We Lost- The Myth of the Failed Bush Administration
One question continues to ring in my head. How could John McCain and Sarah Palin lose the presidential election to Barak Obama and Joe Biden? Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to examine a number of factors that I believe contributed to this debacle. Today I'll discuss the myth of the failed Bush Presidency.

Look back at the statements made by the Democratic candidates and their supporters, during the primaries and the election campaign. Take a look at the statements made by the liberal media and the Hollywood liberals. You'll see a very common mantra. This mantra usually has some variant of the word failure in it. This mantra, includes statement such as, 'the failed Bush administration, the failed policies of the Bush Administration, the failure of the Bush administration to fix (insert an issue). We allowed this lie to build and become part of the accepted mythology. It became accepted doctrine that the Bush Administration was a failure. Once the nation accepted this lie it was easy to link any proposal that McCain brought forward to 'the failed policies of the Bush Administration' We all know that this is a lie. The Bush administration was a great success.

How can we use this to our advantage in the next election? We must begin challenging the assertion that the Bush Administration was a failure. Obama is building a dismal record that we can begin to contrast to the successes of the Bush years. We should create our own mantra.Lets make sure that people who we talk to understand that 'Things were better under Bush".

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