Sunday, March 8, 2009

15,000 Real Americans Attend the Tax Rally In Fullerton

The tax rally yesterday was a resounding success. 15,000 angry Americans stood up and said no to tax increases. The primary focus of this rally was the ridiculous tax increases that our turncoat governor and California's socialist legislature approved. The crowd was very well behaved and very middle class. As we drove in we noticed that a number of the vehicles were work trucks from construction contractors, plumbers, and other business that the Schwarzenegger, Obama, Pelosi gang are trying to destroy with their slash and burn tax policies.

One theme was evident during the rally. Our government has evolved from an entity that serves the citizens to a group of ruling elitist who could not care what we think. I talked to a large number of people who expressed some variant of this opinion. The people in power are no different than the politburo in a communist regime. They believe that they know what is best, and they ignore the needs and desires of the people.

Many people expresses a feeling of powerlessness. I'm telling them, what I have been saying on the blog. Get involved now! Join a Republican club. Join the Howard Jarvitz organization. We are in danger of losing our freedom.

I'll be posting pictures and more comments from this great rally next week.

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