Sunday, March 1, 2009

Abraham Lincoln's Words- Vigilance, Wickedness and Folly

I included a quote from Abraham Lincoln's First inaugural address in Sunday's post. Here it is;

"While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration by an extreme of wickedness or folly can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years."

In light of the events of the past three months, the three words that I've highlighted struck a chord with me

Vigilance- Did the American people exercise real vigilance when they elected Barack Obama as president? What do we really know about this man? Is the left wing media really watching this man's actions. A recent AOL poll found that 48% of Americans have doubts about the legitimacy of Obama's presidency because they have questions about where he was born. Is there any question where John McCain or George Bush were born? Where is the outcry and the demand for an investigation? The people of the United States have repeatedly failed the vigilance test when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama.

Wickedness and Folly- Any reasonably intelligent person can see that Barack Obama's 'socialism in a box' stimulus bill, his failed policies in regards to terrorism, his ridiculous pork laden budget proposals and his ludicrous plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay will be disastrous for this country. Looking at Lincoln's speech we have to ask ourselves if this is wickedness or folly on Obama's part? Is he secretly a person who hates the United States and is destroying it with his actions? Or is Barack Obama an incompetent fool? Either way, we need to remain ever vigilant.

If we can regain control of Congress in 2010 we can impeach Barack Obama in 2011. That would be real vigilance in action.

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