Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Does Barack Obama Have a Small Stick ? Check Out this Video

Several weeks ago I pointed out that the Obama administration had been touting the concept of a kinder, gentler Taliban. That concept is coming forward as a strategy of this administration. The BO state department is now putting forward the concept of opening talks with the 'moderate elements' of the Taliban.

Don't we remember why we invaded Afghanistan? The Taliban sheltered Al Qaeda as they planned the murder of thousands of Americans on 9-11. They cheered as the buildings fell. The Taliban denied the Afghan people particularly the women the most basic of human rights. Where is the rage of the National Association of Women on this strategy?Maybe we can apply this concept domestically. We can pardon the more moderate, murderers, child molesters and rapists.

The Obama Administration is using this strategy to cut a deal with 'moderate Taliban' and retreat in shame from Afghanistan while declaring victory. Does any one remember that great American hero Pat Tillman? He died ridding Afghanistan of the Taliban. Now Barack Hussein Obama wants to tuck America's tail between our legs and run from the country. This will give him more money to spend on bee insurance and grants to ACORN.

I've attached this video of a real American President speaking. Barack Obama should be ashamed of himself when he hears these words

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