Friday, March 6, 2009

Update on Obama's Destruction of the Nation

Hurricane Barack path of destruction continues. As I write this on Friday morning the Dow continues to plummet. Right now its down to 6,555. Of course Obama says that he doesn't pay attention to the stock market. The unemployment figures are out. Nearly 1 in 12 Americans are unemployed. GM is on the brink of bankruptcy. I knew that Barack Obama's policies would ruin the nation. I didn't realize how quickly it would happen.

We can stop this slide. 2010 is just two years away. Any Congressman who votes for the Budget bill will have to defend voting to spend $1,700,000 on pig odor research in Iowa. We can get control of Congress in 2010. We can impeach Obama in 2011. As a care taker President with a Republican congress, Joe Biden will be forced to withdraw Obama's Socialist agenda in two years! What actions did you take this week to make this happen?

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