Friday, March 13, 2009

My Neighbors Are Providing the Real Stimulus

The Socialist gang of three, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are making a major effort to demonize and eviscerate Americans who make more than $250,000 a year. The success of their Socialistic agenda hinges on radically increasing the tax burden on this group. I'm waiting for them to compare these individuals to the cigarette companies, who liberals consider fair game for tax increases

I'm lucky enough to live in a very affluent area. As I tell my friends, I live in one of the cheapest, smallest homes in the area. There are a number of homes near me, that sit on the waterfront. The value of these homes ranges from $2,000,000 to $10,000,000.

I was walking my dogs past a row of these waterfront homes and had a revelation. The owners of these homes have incomes above $250,000 a year. There was another commonality. All of these people own small businesses. In a short span, I passed the homes of a restaurant owner, a commercial realtor, the owner of an auto body repair shop, the owner of a fuel company, a lawyer, and a dentist. These individuals generate jobs for middle class Americans. They employ waitresses, receptionists, auto painters, paralegals, and delivery drivers.

We have a parking problem in my area because these people employ service people in their homes. Many have full time or part time house keepers, nannies, boat cleaners, boat hull cleaners dog groomers and window washers.

When Barrack Obama and his co-conspirators Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi carry out their vendetta against these individuals, the results will be tragic. They will need to reduce expenses immediately. They will be forced to cut back on their employees hours and their home services. Who will suffer from this theft by taxation? The real victims will be the waitresses, the paralegals, the dog groomers, and the house keepers. The socialist gang of three's assault on these engine of our economic system will misfire and land in the faces of the working people.

If we want to reverse Barack Obama's tax increases on small business, we must regain control of Congress in 2010. What did you do today to make this happen?

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