Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Demonizing the Rich

In the past, America always had an enemy. We had Nazis, Communists and Islamic extremists. Given that we defeated the Nazis, and we have a Communist/Socialist president who is rehabilitating the image of radical Islam, who are the enemies now?

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid gang is now demonizing businessmen, particularly those making over $250,000 a year. Watch your local papers, the assault continues daily. The latest assault is the furor over the AIG bonuses. Of course the fix is to tax these bonuses. I really don't argue to much with that because AIG accepted money from the government, and when you dance with the devil......

My real concern is that the BO gang and their liberal media goons, have started a subtle campaign against any bonuses. Remember the ultimate goal of Socialism is that we all earn $40,000 a year, live in government housing, and have government health insurance. Bonuses are recognition of individual achievement. Recognizing individual achievement is an affront to Socialism. Look at the move not to keep score in kids soccer games, or not to give out grades in elementary school. How long is it until the Democrats start taxing all bonuses at the 95% rate?

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