Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Role Models

I was reading an article on MSN about how the National Basketball Association. Milwaukee Bucks Coach Scott Skiles had an issue with the fact that one of his forwards was posting to Twitter at half time of a game. Let's ignore the issue of concentrating on the game and take a look at what he posted. Here it is

"In da locker room, snuck to post my twitt. We're playing the Celtics, tie ball game at da half. Coach wants more toughness. I gotta step up."

I was struck by the illiteracy of this message. The player, Charlie Villanueva, spent two years at the University of Connecticut. He must know how to express himself in English. Millions of young people look up to these players. Mr Villanueva earns a salary in the millions. Doesn't he have a responsibility to act, and speak like an adult.

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