Tuesday, March 10, 2009

An Open Letter to Barack Obama- Its Time to Resign

Dear Mr Obama,
After less than two months in office, its quite evident that you do not possess the competencies required to lead the United States in this time of crisis. When you make a speech the stock market drops 500 points. When you introduce one of your ludicrous bail out bills the stock market drops 1,000 points. Of course you do not keep track of the stock market. Your cabinet choices are so poor that they have become fodder for late night comics. You have alienated America's closest allies in the UK and Israel. You have increased the budget deficit to levels that were unheard of 6 months ago.

The British press is reporting that you were unable to spend much time with Prime Minister Gordon Brown because you were facing exhaustion due to the economic crisis. People are commenting on how grey your hair is becoming. It's obvious that this job is too much for you.

Your presidency is increasingly becoming a national joke.
In 2010 the Republican party will regain control of Congress. You will be impeached in 2011. Do you want to put your family through this? You have young children. Your failed presidency and subsequent impeachment will have a significant impact on the psyches of the children. Ask the Nixon girls.

There is an alternative. You can be a hero. Resign the presidency now! Say that the job is negatively impacting your family. You will be a national hero, the man who gave up the presidency for his family. We can install a Republican such as Newt Gingrich as Vice President and in effect create bi partisan co-presidency that will lead America out of this crisis.

Mr President, do you love this country and your family as much as you love your ego? Do what is best for both, resign.

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