Friday, March 20, 2009

Bush Refuses to Criticize Obama

Former President George W. Bush recently said that he won't criticize Barack Obama. He says that "Obama deserves his silence" This is the type of politeness that allowed the Democrats/Socialists to take power in this country. John McCain was a gentleman and he was defeated in a slash and burn political campaign. George Bush has a platform to denounce the anti- American policy of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid gang. He should use it. You know that if the shoe was on the other foot, BO would be leading a campaign to undermine his Republican successor.

Barack Obama and his gang are destroying America. They have a foreign policy that seeks to surrender to 'moderate elements of the Taliban' in Afghanistan. They have a domestic policy that seeks to nationalize all of America's corporations. and radically increase our taxes. America needs the sane voice of George W. Bush!

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