Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chuck Norris Speaks About America

Here is a great video from with the Reverend Pat Robertson talking to Chuck Norris. He has some great points. Maybe we should asking Chuck Norris to run for president in 2012. I have an acquaintance who knows Chuck Norris. He says that Mr Norris is a good man, and what you see in public is the real Chuck Norris.


  1. I recently read Chuck's book 'Black Belt Patriotism'. It's a good read with a real emphasis to common sense. If you get the chance, give it a look. Clearly Mr. Norris loves this country and offers some simple solutions it get it back on track again. He should be paid attention to.
    Boston, Ma.

  2. I just finished Black Belt Patriotism. It's a good read with plenty of common sense advice on how to return our country to greatness. I would recommend it. Mr. Norris obviously loves America and suggests some simple things we can all do to see to to it that our country stays strong.
