Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Disrespects Persons With Special Needs

Barack Obama went on the Tonight Show last night and compared his bowling skills with the efforts of special Olympians. BO has had the world handed to him on a golden plate. He does not understand anything about overcoming adversity. As BO's policies show, he would rather have people with special needs sitting at home waiting for their government check, than taking positive action to improve their lives.

We all know the drill. BO and his wife will now declare their support for Special Olympics and become huge supporters. Liberals will applaud this comment for creating a dialogue about special needs individuals. He will be at the opening of the next Special Olympics. This is what America gets for voting for a guy who can't speak without a Teleprompter. God only knows what he will say when her meets with the President of Russia. We can impeach Barack Obama in two years, if we gain control of Congress in 2010.

Here is a great video, in case Mr Obama wants to learn more about the Special Olympics.

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