Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Reaches New Lows Under Barak Hussein Obama

The Stock Market Votes- Its George W. Bush 9625 - Barack Hussein Obama 6763
Where were you on May 1, 1997? A child born that day is now in the seventh grade. That is the last time that the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped below 7,000 points. On the day that Barack Hussein Obama was elected, the DJIA was 9625. Yesterday it was 6763. This drop in the Dow can be attributed to one thing. The American people and Wall Street have absolutely no confidence in Obama's ability to lead America, in this time of economic crisis.

I left my McCain-Palin signs in my front yard for several weeks after the election. I wanted my neighbors to remember that I did not vote for Obama. In my anger I told my friends that I would put them up again when the Dow hit 4,000, to remind people that I voted for McCain. At the time I thought that this was an idle threat, because I could not foresee a circumstance where the Dow sunk that low. At that time I could not predict how incompetent the Obama administration would be. Unfortunately, I'm looking at potentially bringing these signs out when the economy hits, 4,000, 3,000, and 2,000.

We have 20 months to prepare for the mid term elections in 2010. We can regain control of America.

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