Monday, March 30, 2009

Tax Rally April 11

There will be a big tax rally and march through the streets of old Pasadena On Saturday April 11 at 12:30 PM. The focus of this rally will be that ridiculous Proposition 1A. Come join us with our signs and enthusiasm. Here is a link to the rally organizer's web site.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Recall the Tax Traitor Anthony Adams

State Senator Anthony Adams betrayed the citizens of California, by voting with the Democrats to increase taxes and spending. There is now a very viable effort to impeach this traitor. He was elected on a pledge to hold the line against tax increases, and his vote proves that he is not a man of his word.

Adams represents a number of Inland Empire communities. By recalling him we can send a clear message that this type of betrayal will have consequences in the future. If you don't live in his district, you can help this effort by donating money to the recall campaign. Here is a link to the recall Adams website.

Another Great Organization

Several years ago my previous employer decided to support Habitat for Humanity. I'm very skeptical about many charitable organizations. I attended their introductory presentation and I was amazed. This was definitely a boots on the ground program intended to help individuals who wanted to help themselves. I worked on several homes, met some great people and had fun. Here is a video about Habitat for Humanity in Denver. There are chapters all over the United States. And don't worry. Its not run by Jimmy Carter

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chuck Norris Speaks About America

Here is a great video from with the Reverend Pat Robertson talking to Chuck Norris. He has some great points. Maybe we should asking Chuck Norris to run for president in 2012. I have an acquaintance who knows Chuck Norris. He says that Mr Norris is a good man, and what you see in public is the real Chuck Norris.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Tribute to Our Fighting Men

With all of the negativity circling around the United States today, I've decided to dedicate some posts to positive things in our country. I found this great tribute to the Marine Corps. Its applicable to all of our service people, past present, and future.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Real American Speaks

This video should be played every day in every school room in America

My Offer to You

Many of you have been significantly affected by the Obama depression. I am willing to help you with your short term problems. if you don't have a car, I'm willing to rent one for you for the next three months. I'll also buy your gas during that period. If you don't have a place to live, I'll rent a hotel room for you for three months. I'll stop by with groceries every week.

There is one stipulation. You will be required to pay me $1,000 per month for 50 years, beginning in 2010. All of your children and grandchildren will also be required to pay me $1,000 a month for 50 years.

Does this sound like a good idea. You will love the Obama budget!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Demonizing the Rich

In the past, America always had an enemy. We had Nazis, Communists and Islamic extremists. Given that we defeated the Nazis, and we have a Communist/Socialist president who is rehabilitating the image of radical Islam, who are the enemies now?

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid gang is now demonizing businessmen, particularly those making over $250,000 a year. Watch your local papers, the assault continues daily. The latest assault is the furor over the AIG bonuses. Of course the fix is to tax these bonuses. I really don't argue to much with that because AIG accepted money from the government, and when you dance with the devil......

My real concern is that the BO gang and their liberal media goons, have started a subtle campaign against any bonuses. Remember the ultimate goal of Socialism is that we all earn $40,000 a year, live in government housing, and have government health insurance. Bonuses are recognition of individual achievement. Recognizing individual achievement is an affront to Socialism. Look at the move not to keep score in kids soccer games, or not to give out grades in elementary school. How long is it until the Democrats start taxing all bonuses at the 95% rate?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Americans are Planting Vegetables

I recently read an article about the boom in vegetable and fruit gardening by Americans. This article said the cause was the unemployment problem. Does that explain why people like myself are filling their flower beds with food?

The pattern of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid gang is to create a series of panics They talk about the global warming crisis, the real estate crisis, the energy crisis, the banking crisis, the mortgage crisis, and the health care crisis. A panic follows each crisis and Americans call for a quick fix. The prescription for each of these crisis is to create massive costly government programs, and move America closer to Socialism.

When you look at the list, ask yourself this question. What's next? What could panic Americans even more than a shortage of gasoline? How about a food shortage? Its perfect. BO and his conspirators could blame it on corporate farming. They can further demonize high income Americans. This would allow them to eliminate the tax shelters that farms have been receiving since the Great Depression. Its a perfect target for the Obama gang, more government control and a ripe target for tax increases. All that they need to do is create a panic in the distribution of food.

I've bought my Toppsy Turvey and planted my tomatoes. I'll be eating this fall, will you?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

St Vincent Meals on Wheels- A Great Charity

Many people say that conservatives are heartless because we oppose government programs that provide assistance to the needy. In my case the operative word is 'government program. I totally support providing assistance to our less fortunate American citizens. I want the ability to review these programs and select programs that I find worthy.

My wife recently visited an charitable organization that I find worthy of my support. This group is St Vincent's Meals on Wheels. They are doing some great work in Los Angeles. Here is there description of what they do from their website

"Since 1977, St. Vincent Meals on Wheels has delivered life-saving meals and warm greetings to homebound and hungry seniors and disabled or seriously ill adults across Los Angeles. From Skid Row to West Hollywood, the Hollywood Hills to South L.A., we deliver to over 2,500 clients a day. We also help clients who are unable to live alone by referring them to medical care and social services. St. Vincent Meals on Wheels serves anyone in need regardless of age, race, illness, disability, religion or ability to pay. "

During my wife's visit to this organization she was very impressed by this organization's compassion and commitment to helping people. I strongly urge you to take a look at their website and decide if this is an organization worthy of your support. Here is a link to the site.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Does this Video Make More Sense Now?

Have the Last Two Months Validated the message of this video?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Disrespects Persons With Special Needs

Barack Obama went on the Tonight Show last night and compared his bowling skills with the efforts of special Olympians. BO has had the world handed to him on a golden plate. He does not understand anything about overcoming adversity. As BO's policies show, he would rather have people with special needs sitting at home waiting for their government check, than taking positive action to improve their lives.

We all know the drill. BO and his wife will now declare their support for Special Olympics and become huge supporters. Liberals will applaud this comment for creating a dialogue about special needs individuals. He will be at the opening of the next Special Olympics. This is what America gets for voting for a guy who can't speak without a Teleprompter. God only knows what he will say when her meets with the President of Russia. We can impeach Barack Obama in two years, if we gain control of Congress in 2010.

Here is a great video, in case Mr Obama wants to learn more about the Special Olympics.

After Two Months- Isn't This Obvious

Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for two months. I want you to hear the words of his Vice President and his Secretary of State, before they worked for him. For the first time in my life, I agree with Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Remember, if we can win control of Congress in 2010, we can impeach BO in 2011. He will be out of office in two years! We can the get on with the task of making America great again!

Bush Refuses to Criticize Obama

Former President George W. Bush recently said that he won't criticize Barack Obama. He says that "Obama deserves his silence" This is the type of politeness that allowed the Democrats/Socialists to take power in this country. John McCain was a gentleman and he was defeated in a slash and burn political campaign. George Bush has a platform to denounce the anti- American policy of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid gang. He should use it. You know that if the shoe was on the other foot, BO would be leading a campaign to undermine his Republican successor.

Barack Obama and his gang are destroying America. They have a foreign policy that seeks to surrender to 'moderate elements of the Taliban' in Afghanistan. They have a domestic policy that seeks to nationalize all of America's corporations. and radically increase our taxes. America needs the sane voice of George W. Bush!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sign the Petition to Stop Obama's Out of Control Spending

Grassfire is a conservative organization that supports many of the causes that I champion in this blog. They are currently circulating a petition tell leaders in Congress and BO to stop the out of control spending. A link to this petition is listed below. Please take a look and sign this document. We need to stop this spending now! We are creating a debt that will saddle our children and grandchildren for years to come

Wear a Helmet When Skiing or Biking

This may seem like an odd posting for this site, but its something that I feel passionate about. The actress, Natasha Richardson, recently died from a skiing accident. From all reports it wasn't a major fall. She did hit her head, causing internal injuries to the brain.

I have been skiing for a long time. I was a ski instructor for several years. I have been injured twice skiing, both times on intermediate slopes, that I can ski in my sleep. I now wear a helmet whenver I ski or bike. As we need all of the good conservatives out there to stay alive, please do one thing. Wear a helmet when skiing or biking. accidents aren't always your fault, they can happen unexpectedly. A helmet can prevent death or major injury.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Role Models

I was reading an article on MSN about how the National Basketball Association. Milwaukee Bucks Coach Scott Skiles had an issue with the fact that one of his forwards was posting to Twitter at half time of a game. Let's ignore the issue of concentrating on the game and take a look at what he posted. Here it is

"In da locker room, snuck to post my twitt. We're playing the Celtics, tie ball game at da half. Coach wants more toughness. I gotta step up."

I was struck by the illiteracy of this message. The player, Charlie Villanueva, spent two years at the University of Connecticut. He must know how to express himself in English. Millions of young people look up to these players. Mr Villanueva earns a salary in the millions. Doesn't he have a responsibility to act, and speak like an adult.

Does Barack Obama Have a Small Stick ? Check Out this Video

Several weeks ago I pointed out that the Obama administration had been touting the concept of a kinder, gentler Taliban. That concept is coming forward as a strategy of this administration. The BO state department is now putting forward the concept of opening talks with the 'moderate elements' of the Taliban.

Don't we remember why we invaded Afghanistan? The Taliban sheltered Al Qaeda as they planned the murder of thousands of Americans on 9-11. They cheered as the buildings fell. The Taliban denied the Afghan people particularly the women the most basic of human rights. Where is the rage of the National Association of Women on this strategy?Maybe we can apply this concept domestically. We can pardon the more moderate, murderers, child molesters and rapists.

The Obama Administration is using this strategy to cut a deal with 'moderate Taliban' and retreat in shame from Afghanistan while declaring victory. Does any one remember that great American hero Pat Tillman? He died ridding Afghanistan of the Taliban. Now Barack Hussein Obama wants to tuck America's tail between our legs and run from the country. This will give him more money to spend on bee insurance and grants to ACORN.

I've attached this video of a real American President speaking. Barack Obama should be ashamed of himself when he hears these words

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Los AngelesUnified School District's Crazy Priorities

I was watching a tape of a recent Los Angeles School Board meeting on Sunday. The school district which is planning on laying off as many as 8,000 teachers is considering building a housing complex and an art gallery near Gardena High school.

Who else but a school district would consider building homes during the biggest housing slump in recent history? Can you name any other builder who is starting a multi-million dollar project today? Why does a school district need an art gallery?

Los Angeles Unified School District should stick to the things that they are mediocre at doing, educating students. They should stay away from housing and art galleries.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Grandfather's Letter

I got this forwarded to me from my brother in law. It makes a lot of sense. Its from a Grandfather to his granddaughter

Guess you heard that 68% of "the youth vote" went to Obama.
My granddaughter called this morning to tell me she was one of them. I replied with this e-mail:

The election of Obama comes down to this. Your grandmother and I, your mother and other productive wage-earning taxpayers will have their taxes increased and that means less income. Less income means we will have to cut back on basic purchases, gifts and handouts. That includes firing the lady who cleans our house twice a month. She just lost her job. We can't afford her anymore, and the guys that cut the grass, and the guys the clean the pool, and high speed Internet, and the TV cable or Dish, I forget which one we have, and the cell phone service, and the dog groomers, etc. ps. we'll be having more pot luck dinners - that's where you bring the food, since we won't be able to feed everyone anymore. Baby sitting? see the above jobs that I'll now be doing instead of paying someone to do them, so I'll be too busy to watch the kids. No more pizza nights for watching the games; can't afford the pizza and don't have the sports channel anymore. I feel sorry for all the folks that used to work for those companies I can no longer afford. Their houses will be foreclosed soon.

What is the economic effect of Obama's election on you personally? Over the years, your grandmother and I have given you thousands of dollars in food, housing, cash, clothing, gifts, etc., etc. By your vote, you have chosen another family over ours for help. So in the future, if you need assistance with your rent, money for gas, tires for your car, someone to bring you lunch, 202-456-1111. That's the telephone number for the Office of the President of the United States . I'm sure Mr. Obama will be happy to send a check from his personal or business accounts or leave cash in an envelope taped to his front door.

It's like this. Those who vote for the president should consider what the impact of an election will be on the nation as a whole and not just be concerned with what they can get for themselves (welfare, etc.). What Obama voters don't seem to realize is that the government's money comes from taxes collected from taxpaying families. Raising taxes on productive people mean they will have less money to spend on their families.

Congratulations on your choice. For future reference, you might attempt to add up all you've received from us, your mom, Mike's parents and others and compare it to what you expect to get over the next four years from Mr. Obama.

To congratulate Mr. Obama and to make sure you're on the list for handouts, write to: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington , DC 20500

Love you kids, but call the number listed above when you need help.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Helping our Military People - Check out their Site

I'm going to use my Sunday posts to suggest a number of potential charitable opportunities. Here is one that caught my interest I met a woman at the market Friday, who was soliciting food for an organization called Soldiers Angels. I got her card and checked out their website. They have a number of projects and opportunities to help our people in the military. Please take a look at their site and see if this is something that you would like to support. Here is a link to their site

There is another organization that I've heard Bill O'Reilly talk about. It is the Wounded Warriors Project. They have a number of great service projects. Here is a link to their site,com_frontpage/Itemid,840/

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Dream- To See Barack Obama Make a Speech Like This

Richard Nixon showed his greatness at this moment, resigning the presidency for the good of the nation. Barack Obama shows his inflated ego by staying on in a job that he is not qualified to hold, as he destroys this nation. Check out this video and dream of the day when we see Obama make this speach.

It will be possible if we gain control of Congress in 2010. We need to start working on that now!

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Neighbors Are Providing the Real Stimulus

The Socialist gang of three, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are making a major effort to demonize and eviscerate Americans who make more than $250,000 a year. The success of their Socialistic agenda hinges on radically increasing the tax burden on this group. I'm waiting for them to compare these individuals to the cigarette companies, who liberals consider fair game for tax increases

I'm lucky enough to live in a very affluent area. As I tell my friends, I live in one of the cheapest, smallest homes in the area. There are a number of homes near me, that sit on the waterfront. The value of these homes ranges from $2,000,000 to $10,000,000.

I was walking my dogs past a row of these waterfront homes and had a revelation. The owners of these homes have incomes above $250,000 a year. There was another commonality. All of these people own small businesses. In a short span, I passed the homes of a restaurant owner, a commercial realtor, the owner of an auto body repair shop, the owner of a fuel company, a lawyer, and a dentist. These individuals generate jobs for middle class Americans. They employ waitresses, receptionists, auto painters, paralegals, and delivery drivers.

We have a parking problem in my area because these people employ service people in their homes. Many have full time or part time house keepers, nannies, boat cleaners, boat hull cleaners dog groomers and window washers.

When Barrack Obama and his co-conspirators Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi carry out their vendetta against these individuals, the results will be tragic. They will need to reduce expenses immediately. They will be forced to cut back on their employees hours and their home services. Who will suffer from this theft by taxation? The real victims will be the waitresses, the paralegals, the dog groomers, and the house keepers. The socialist gang of three's assault on these engine of our economic system will misfire and land in the faces of the working people.

If we want to reverse Barack Obama's tax increases on small business, we must regain control of Congress in 2010. What did you do today to make this happen?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why People Vote for Democrats

I got this forwarded to me from a friend. It is so true

I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my horse.
I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.
I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would..
I voted Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
I voted Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people.
I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.
I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

Obama's True Views on Bipartisanship

Here is a quote from Barack Obama as reported in a New York Times article. It speaks for itself. This man has abandoned any pretense of bipartisanship!

On the national level, bipartisanship usually means Democrats ignore the needs of the poor and abandon the idea that government can play a role in issues of poverty, race discrimination, sex discrimination or environmental protection,”

As Obama tends to lie. He may deny saying this. Here is a link to the NYT article

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No Wonder Democrats Don't Pay their Taxes- Harry Reid Says that Paying Them is Voluntary

Wally George, a now deceased friend of America, used to use a phrase to describe fools like the Senate Majority Leader. Harry Reid is a 'liberal lunatic'.

Listen to this idiot try to explain that paying taxes in the United States is "Voluntary". I guess only the Democrats nominated to Obama's cabinet took advantage of this option until this point. Check out this video.

Here is John Kennedy's prescription for resolving the recession of 1963. He is speaking about his plan for taxes that he was going to propose in January 1963. Maybe the Democrats should listen to their icon . Obama is taking us in the opposite direction

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pat Robertson Says "Obama Lied" About earmarks

I was watching 'The 700 Club' this morning. Pat Robertson was incredulous about the massive budget bill and its earmarks. He is vehemenently against them. It was very interesting to hear this man of God state that "Obama Lied" about not allowing one earmark during his administration. How many other times has Obama lied to us? It's time for Obama to resign.

An Open Letter to Barack Obama- Its Time to Resign

Dear Mr Obama,
After less than two months in office, its quite evident that you do not possess the competencies required to lead the United States in this time of crisis. When you make a speech the stock market drops 500 points. When you introduce one of your ludicrous bail out bills the stock market drops 1,000 points. Of course you do not keep track of the stock market. Your cabinet choices are so poor that they have become fodder for late night comics. You have alienated America's closest allies in the UK and Israel. You have increased the budget deficit to levels that were unheard of 6 months ago.

The British press is reporting that you were unable to spend much time with Prime Minister Gordon Brown because you were facing exhaustion due to the economic crisis. People are commenting on how grey your hair is becoming. It's obvious that this job is too much for you.

Your presidency is increasingly becoming a national joke.
In 2010 the Republican party will regain control of Congress. You will be impeached in 2011. Do you want to put your family through this? You have young children. Your failed presidency and subsequent impeachment will have a significant impact on the psyches of the children. Ask the Nixon girls.

There is an alternative. You can be a hero. Resign the presidency now! Say that the job is negatively impacting your family. You will be a national hero, the man who gave up the presidency for his family. We can install a Republican such as Newt Gingrich as Vice President and in effect create bi partisan co-presidency that will lead America out of this crisis.

Mr President, do you love this country and your family as much as you love your ego? Do what is best for both, resign.

Obama Disses The British Prime Minister

Do you remember the special relationship that existed between our great president Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher? Wasn't it British Prime Minister Tony Blair who sent troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to support the war on terror?

In less than two months in office Barack Obama has destroyed the special relationship that has existed between the United States and The United Kingdom for two centuries. Prime Minister Gordon Brown flew to the United States to hold meetings with Obama. In street parlance Obama dissed Prime Minister. Normal diplomatic etiquette dictates that such a visit should be accompanied by a formal state dinner and a joint press conference between the two leaders. Barack Obama was too busy implementing Socialism, spending our money and driving up the deficit to spend hold the required dinner or attend the press conference.

The British press and the British People are angry about this. Here is a link to an article in the Daily Telegraph.


The article contains an interesting quote from an unnamed employee in Barack Obama's state department, about the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. This employee said ""There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn't expect special treatment."

Do you think that we will get special treatment the next time that the US needs the support of the UK in this increasingly perilous world?

By the way Gordon Brown presented Barack Obama with a number of thoughtful, historic gifts. Obama gave Brown DVD copies of 25 Hollywood movies. I wonder if he bought them or if Brown will need to return them to Net Flicks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Love this Sign!

The great Republican President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves. The terrible Barrack Obama signed orders closing Guantanamo Bay and ending the trials of terrorists. How long until a former Guantanamo inmate buys a home in your neighborhood with his economic stimulus money?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

15,000 Real Americans Attend the Tax Rally In Fullerton

The tax rally yesterday was a resounding success. 15,000 angry Americans stood up and said no to tax increases. The primary focus of this rally was the ridiculous tax increases that our turncoat governor and California's socialist legislature approved. The crowd was very well behaved and very middle class. As we drove in we noticed that a number of the vehicles were work trucks from construction contractors, plumbers, and other business that the Schwarzenegger, Obama, Pelosi gang are trying to destroy with their slash and burn tax policies.

One theme was evident during the rally. Our government has evolved from an entity that serves the citizens to a group of ruling elitist who could not care what we think. I talked to a large number of people who expressed some variant of this opinion. The people in power are no different than the politburo in a communist regime. They believe that they know what is best, and they ignore the needs and desires of the people.

Many people expresses a feeling of powerlessness. I'm telling them, what I have been saying on the blog. Get involved now! Join a Republican club. Join the Howard Jarvitz organization. We are in danger of losing our freedom.

I'll be posting pictures and more comments from this great rally next week.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chris Matthews Actually Says Something Negative About Obama

For those of you with heart trouble, please take your medicine before viewing this video. I'd hate to have someone die of shock when they hear Chris Matthews making negative remarks aboout Obama. He makes some good points about the budget bill. Listen to these two liberal lunatics that he is talking to.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Update on Obama's Destruction of the Nation

Hurricane Barack path of destruction continues. As I write this on Friday morning the Dow continues to plummet. Right now its down to 6,555. Of course Obama says that he doesn't pay attention to the stock market. The unemployment figures are out. Nearly 1 in 12 Americans are unemployed. GM is on the brink of bankruptcy. I knew that Barack Obama's policies would ruin the nation. I didn't realize how quickly it would happen.

We can stop this slide. 2010 is just two years away. Any Congressman who votes for the Budget bill will have to defend voting to spend $1,700,000 on pig odor research in Iowa. We can get control of Congress in 2010. We can impeach Obama in 2011. As a care taker President with a Republican congress, Joe Biden will be forced to withdraw Obama's Socialist agenda in two years! What actions did you take this week to make this happen?

John McCain's Message About Earmarks

Here is a You Tube video, featuring John McCain speaking about earmarks. Obama pledged to veto earmarks, during his campaign. As with most of his campaign promises OBAMA LIED!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We Need to Teach our Children to Love America

Ask the average sixth grade today about Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. Probably the first thing that will come out of their mouth is the fact that these patriots owned slaves. An older child may bring up the fact that Jefferson had children by one of his slaves. Ask one of these kids who authored the Declaration of Independence. They probably will not know the answer. I'll bet that they know who Ceasar Chavez and Martin Luther King are. How many kids today can recite the Gettysburg Address, or even know where Gettysburg is?

One of the thing that makes America special is her heroic past. America was forged with the blood of heroic men and women who gave up everything to create this country. Many of them were flawed individuals. But so are many of the great men of the past. Do we need to recount the foibles of liberal icons such as Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, or Bill Clinton? Why is it acceptable to talk about the sex life of a widower such as Thomas Jefferson, but heaven help you if you bring up the wanderings of these three married men.

Unfortunately there has been a movement in the past 20 years to down grade the greatness of America. We are told that we must be ashamed of ourselves for slavery, dropping the bomb on Hiroshima, and our treatment of the Native Americans. Look at the furor that surrounds Columbus day each year. I'm not ashamed of my country and neither should any American. Granted, Michelle Obama wasn't proud of this country until they nominated her socialist husband.

In the past Hollywood made television shows and movies about great American heroes. Remember John Wayne as Davey Crockett in "The Alamo", Gary Cooper as Sargent York and Lou Gehrig,, Henry Fonda as "Young Abe Lincoln", or George C Scott as Patton. Today we get Sean Penn as Harvey Milk in "Milk".

What should we do? We conservatives need to get involved in the curriculum decisions at our local schools. Get your hands on some text books. We can post the egregious parts here. Let's show the word what our kids are being taught. Where are the great patriotic books that we read as kids? We need to make sure that a patriotic agenda is included in school curriculum. We have black history month, gay history week etc. Whats wrong with designating two months out of the year to celebrate 'American Heritage months'

We need to demand that Hollywood make movies with Patriotic themes. Sure they will say that there is no money in these movies. According to Yahoo movies, a left wing picture such as 'Milk' made $30,000,000 in 14 weeks. 'Hotel for Dogs' made $67,000,000 in 7 weeks. I'm sure that a well produced movie about an American hero like Pat Tillman, John McCain, or Norman Schwarzkopf could do better than 'Milk'.

What is America without patriotism? Its just a bigger version of France. And we know how well France stands up when they are invaded

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Check Out this Great Video

Here is a Common Sense Video that All Americans Should View

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Reaches New Lows Under Barak Hussein Obama

The Stock Market Votes- Its George W. Bush 9625 - Barack Hussein Obama 6763
Where were you on May 1, 1997? A child born that day is now in the seventh grade. That is the last time that the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped below 7,000 points. On the day that Barack Hussein Obama was elected, the DJIA was 9625. Yesterday it was 6763. This drop in the Dow can be attributed to one thing. The American people and Wall Street have absolutely no confidence in Obama's ability to lead America, in this time of economic crisis.

I left my McCain-Palin signs in my front yard for several weeks after the election. I wanted my neighbors to remember that I did not vote for Obama. In my anger I told my friends that I would put them up again when the Dow hit 4,000, to remind people that I voted for McCain. At the time I thought that this was an idle threat, because I could not foresee a circumstance where the Dow sunk that low. At that time I could not predict how incompetent the Obama administration would be. Unfortunately, I'm looking at potentially bringing these signs out when the economy hits, 4,000, 3,000, and 2,000.

We have 20 months to prepare for the mid term elections in 2010. We can regain control of America.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Abraham Lincoln's Words- Vigilance, Wickedness and Folly

I included a quote from Abraham Lincoln's First inaugural address in Sunday's post. Here it is;

"While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration by an extreme of wickedness or folly can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years."

In light of the events of the past three months, the three words that I've highlighted struck a chord with me

Vigilance- Did the American people exercise real vigilance when they elected Barack Obama as president? What do we really know about this man? Is the left wing media really watching this man's actions. A recent AOL poll found that 48% of Americans have doubts about the legitimacy of Obama's presidency because they have questions about where he was born. Is there any question where John McCain or George Bush were born? Where is the outcry and the demand for an investigation? The people of the United States have repeatedly failed the vigilance test when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama.

Wickedness and Folly- Any reasonably intelligent person can see that Barack Obama's 'socialism in a box' stimulus bill, his failed policies in regards to terrorism, his ridiculous pork laden budget proposals and his ludicrous plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay will be disastrous for this country. Looking at Lincoln's speech we have to ask ourselves if this is wickedness or folly on Obama's part? Is he secretly a person who hates the United States and is destroying it with his actions? Or is Barack Obama an incompetent fool? Either way, we need to remain ever vigilant.

If we can regain control of Congress in 2010 we can impeach Barack Obama in 2011. That would be real vigilance in action.

Shining City Chronicle Poll Finds that 93% of Americans Feel that Barack Obama Should Resign

Isn't that a great headline? I actually polled 10 Americans and all 10 felt that he should resign. Of course those ten might not be a representative sample, so I made a slight adjustment to correct for any bias. Before you start thinking that I'm crazy, look at the polls printed in the liberal media. How do you think that they come up with insane results that say 80% of Americans support Obama's plan? Look at the groups polled and look at the actual questions that they asked. As with my poll the headline is the only thing that most people see.

My poll was a bit biased. All 10 respondents are conservative Republicans. That why I made a 7% adjustment to correct for this bias. Where did I come up with 7%? Maybe the liberal media can tell us how they 'fix' their polls.

What can I say? I received this in an email. My apologies if this seems irreverent, but it is so true.
Psalm 2009 The First book of Democrat
Obama is my Shepard
I shall not want
He leadeth me beside the still factories
He restoreth my faith in the Republican Party
He guideth me in the path of unemployment
Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the bread line
I shall not go hungry
Obama has anointed my income with taxes
My expenses runneth over my income
Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me
All the days of my life
And I will live forever
In a rented home

Words of wisdom from Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Oath
While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration by an extreme of wickedness or folly can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years.